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Exercise the fat!

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A mile burns about 150 calories approx. So 15 would be 2250 calories. What's the energy content of fat?


Approx 3500 kcals per lb, IIRC. On that basis, 2250 is approx 2/3 lb. This issue with excercise though, is that it can increase the appetite.


At the end of the day, weight loss is all about energy in (by food and drink) Vs energy out (by metabolism and exercise). Its just that energy out by exercise is usually small in comparison to energy out by metabolism, unless you are doing a lot of exercise.


So, if your metabolism is using up 2000 kcals per day and additional exercise is, say, 250 kcals from, for example a 2 mile run, then total daily energy use is 2250 kcals. If you eat and drink 2250 kcals per day, your weight will remain the same. However, if you consume 2500 kcals per day, then the "spare" 250 kcals will be converted to fat. Over 14 days, that would be an extra 3500 kcals, ie an extra 1lb. If you want to avoid putting on 1 lb every fortnight, you can either add another 2 miles to your daily run (ie now 4 miles per day) and continue to eat 2500 kcals, or you can eat 250 kcals less per day (ie revert to the 2250 that your body uses). If you want to lose weight, then add another 2 miles per day to your run (so now up to 6 miles per day) and continue to eat 2500 kcals, or drop a further 250 kcals. from your daily intake, to lose 1 lb per fortnight.


Excercise is good, but calorie control is more effective as a means of losing weight.

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Nothing to disagree with there. Interestingly men trend to approach weight loss by increasing activity and women by restricting calories, psychological difference, doing rather than not doing.

Personally I satisfy the need to eat more when exercising heavily by increasing the amount of lean protein I eat.

Works for me, I can run 50k in a week and lost 8 kg at about 1 kg a month (10%).

every body needs to find there own solution though.

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Nothing to disagree with there. Interestingly men trend to approach weight loss by increasing activity and women by restricting calories, psychological difference, doing rather than not doing.

Personally I satisfy the need to eat more when exercising heavily by increasing the amount of lean protein I eat.

Works for me, I can run 50k in a week and lost 8 kg at about 1 kg a month (10%).

every body needs to find there own solution though.


In my case I can and do take a lot of exercise. However, I've never knowingly missed a lunch, or refused the offer of seconds. The only way I can control weight, and then not very successfully, is to show some self control on portion sizes and avoid alcohol (I find it easier to not drink alcohol at all than to reduce portion. I mean, what's the point of a small glass of wine).


Edit: Although I now take my exercise in the gym, there was a time when I did a lot of running - not anything fast, just long and slow, marathon training stuff. If anything, I felt that it used to suppress my appetite, not increase it. My current training (cardio-vascular, but at higher energy than when I used to jog) does seem to increase my appetite.

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It is possible to lose a stone in a month, but your member will have been dieting. Probably crash dieting at that! You shouldn't be proud that you are helping people to lose a stone in a month - you should be concerned. It's well above the recommended maximum rate of weight loss and may have serious health implications. You should know this!!


I see no point in being diplomatic - you sound like a quack, and a dangerous one at that. You give out inaccurate and irresponsible advice/info on this forum, you have no idea or the true calorific demands of the exercise (surely a basic in your line of work), and you champion dangerous rates of weight loss.


I hope you're well insured.


What about if you have had a gastric band?a mate of mine has lost 10 stone since before the last xmas.Are the doctors wrong?he doesnt exercise.

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Have to disagree on this one sorry :( I'm weaker, tired and more miserable now, than what I was fatter.


I also noticed a greater increase in body fat dropping when eating fatty foods once a week.


Just like those people who swear by being ''too clean'' Your body needs abit of crap either way.




Reading through your posts - I'm guessing that you are cutting back on your food while doing your fitness workout?


That is probably the reason you feel more tired, weaker etc.....your body is crying out for more food.


If you are following a good fitness plan or routine (note I said good) you should not be cutting back on your food intake, or dietting.


People who attend the sessions I run (the advanced sessions) are told not to diet when they make initial contact.


Instead of cutting back on food, what you should be eating is a sensible and healthy balanced diet, and this includes treats such as your daily lattes. Why make your life miserable ????? if you enjoy a latte, have one.


Our sessions are fitness sessions, with the aim of increasing strength, cardio and fitness - the weight loss & toning up simply goes hand in hand with the training.

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Reading through your posts - I'm guessing that you are cutting back on your food while doing your fitness workout?


That is probably the reason you feel more tired, weaker etc.....your body is crying out for more food.


If you are following a good fitness plan or routine (note I said good) you should not be cutting back on your food intake, or dietting.


People who attend the sessions I run (the advanced sessions) are told not to diet when they make initial contact.


Instead of cutting back on food, what you should be eating is a sensible and healthy balanced diet, and this includes treats such as your daily lattes. Why make your life miserable ????? if you enjoy a latte, have one.


Our sessions are fitness sessions, with the aim of increasing strength, cardio and fitness - the weight loss & toning up simply goes hand in hand with the training.


The toning goes hand in hand with training, but the (vast majority of any) weight loss goes with the "sensible and healthy balanced diet".

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Instead of cutting back on food, what you should be eating is a sensible and healthy balanced diet, and this includes treats such as your daily lattes. Why make your life miserable ????? if you enjoy a latte, have one.


So you tell them to (potentially) completely change their diet to a sensible and healthy balanced one... Whilst claiming that you achieve results through exercise and not a change in diet.


It can't be both...

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