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Exercise the fat!

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Its not a complete change in diet, simply eat a sensible & balanced diet, which includes treats.


For some people who train, these have not had to change there diet in any way shape or form, in fact some are eating more than they did before.


The weight loss is as the result of the fitness training, and not cutting back on food intake - class members only need to train once a week to see real changes.

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That could well be a complete change. Without knowing what they were eating before there's no way to say.


I don't disagree that exercise is important in weight loss (it certainly is for me), but diet is equally important and as demonstrated it's easier to not consume calories than to burn them off.


The idea that an hour a week can make a large difference seems unlikely. The amount of calories burnt in that hour is probably <500, which is not more than 2 chocolate bars, or a single slice of toast every day.

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Well the proof of the pudding is in the eating, and according to member feedback one session each week has been enough to achieve weight loss, loss of flabby inches from the body, dropping of dress sizes and in many cases class members getting back the shape they had many years ago.


Again, everything on the website is all based on class member feedback or statements.

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But you've already said that you advise them to change their diet...

simply eat a sensible & balanced diet

The fact that they've joined your class implies that they're keen to loose weight, so chances are that they're controlling their diet in addition to doing an hours exercise with you every week... (Surely they're doing some exercise in the rest of the week as well).

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Many people don't have the time to go to a gym, or do other fitness due to commitments such as the family or other social activities. For many people training more than once a week simply isn't possible.


This is what is offered 'one hour of excercise = results" it even says "guaranteed results" against the advanced fitness sessions.


Many people who come to the sessons say that the one session each week simply blows away 3 or 4 times at the major gym chains going around the machines.

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Non of which means that these people aren't controlling their diet and limiting their calorie intake, which is undoubtedly having more effect than a single hour of exercise.


I agree. Sheffitness is hardly going to be the most objective person when his liveliehood depends on persuading people they can lose a load of weight by just exercising an hour a week.


I suspect there changing their diets too, he has no data about that so we must discount his claims I think.


I do happen to know that unless you exercise intensively all day every day for weeks on end you are not going to lose much weight. Leonardo Di Caprio lost 2 stone before he made 'The Beach' but that was the result of four months training five hours a day and drinking nothing but diet coke. he would have been better to eat a low glycaemic index diet and do a bit of running or cycling.


Also, women (especially older women) will find it virtually impossible to lose weight by exercise alone, it must be hand in hand with a lower calorie intake supplied by a healthy diet. Exercise might tone you up a bit but it doesn't use up enough calories to make dieting unnecessary.


Ive heard that drinking plain water helps break fat down - is that true or not?


Medusa's and Cyclone's arguments win hands down for me :cool:

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Urgh, diet coke, he probably did himself some significant damage.


I've got a heart monitor and watch that reckon to measure calories burned when exercising. As a reference I ran 9k the other day, few hills involved, and according to the watch burned 950 cals. I ate normally for the day (although I drank more water).

So in theory that should have burned off an entire 1/6th of a pound! And that's a 55 min, moderately intense run. Someone who isn't already fit simply wouldn't be able to exercise at that level for that long (which isn't to say that HIIT wouldn't have burned more calories, it would, but I couldn't do HIIT for an hour).

The day after I cycled to the train station and back (over a few hills again). Moving time can't have been more than 30 mins, and the monitor said 650cals for that one. About 1/10th of a pound!

Didn't do anything today though, being a bit slack.

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Well the proof of the pudding is in the eating.


The people who attend find the one session far more effective than multiple sessions each week in a gym. In fact many of the class members eat the "eat what you like" diet and still see major changes - one of which gave me the quote that I use on the website (getting the abs back after 20 years).


When it comes to fat/or weight loss you have options.


1) you can spend 24 hours + 7 days a week getting worked up/upset about the problem, try this pill, try that fad, can't eat this, not allowed to eat cake etc....




2) YOu can spend one hour a week and solve the problem outright.


As I said before "the proof etc... etc...".


If you attend any of the advanced sessions, you will lose pounds of unwanted fat and see real results.


Ultimatley, the comments made of this thread may satisfy a few people that what I say is false, however if you want to deal with the problem of fat/flab once and for all, we have the excercises that will prove the classes work.


WE do have the beginner/intermediate sessions for people new to fitness, these people will then progress onto the advanced sessions.


With these sessions, you can have your sunday roast, followed by a slice of cake - and have a 2nd slice of cake if you like

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Well the proof of the pudding is in the eating.


The people who attend find the one session far more effective than multiple sessions each week in a gym. In fact many of the class members eat the "eat what you like" diet and still see major changes - one of which gave me the quote that I use on the website (getting the abs back after 20 years).


When it comes to fat/or weight loss you have options.


1) you can spend 24 hours + 7 days a week getting worked up/upset about the problem, try this pill, try that fad, can't eat this, not allowed to eat cake etc....




2) YOu can spend one hour a week and solve the problem outright.


As I said before "the proof etc... etc...".


If you attend any of the advanced sessions, you will lose pounds of unwanted fat and see real results.


Ultimatley, the comments made of this thread may satisfy a few people that what I say is false, however if you want to deal with the problem of fat/flab once and for all, we have the excercises that will prove the classes work.


WE do have the beginner/intermediate sessions for people new to fitness, these people will then progress onto the advanced sessions.


With these sessions, you can have your sunday roast, followed by a slice of cake - and have a 2nd slice of cake if you like


Do you do a side line in snake oil?

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