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Cat Mess On The Garden

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I have owned cats, and do like them in general but I agree that they do poop when ever and where ever they want (even in the house lol) some cats do go out of their way to clean up, even in the litter box but some cats don't at all. Not sure why.


Cat poo in the garden is gross, and if you do not own the things then you should not have to put up with it. During hot summers, the smell is fkin horrid.


What I would suggest is to got one of those anti cat devises that emit a sound that will keep them well away from your garden. Although I am not sure if they effect dogs, so make sure you read all info on them first.


You could have a word with the neighbor, but it could well turn into a slanging match, and you don't want to be at war with them. Or if you don't mind a war with them (lol) then scoop up the cat poo, bag it up and put it in their letter box and make sure you label it "this is from your cat"


I too have a local crazy cat lady, she has (counting so far) nine cats and four dogs. And I'll not get into how the barking drives me crazy during summer.....


And to end, I have found with most cat owners and dog owners will defend their pets honor even if their pet has done wrongs, and indeed will get all angry like with cat owners claiming cats are all clean, and dog owners claiming they all clean up after their dogs have fowled all over the side walk. No getting away from these.... individuals really.

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So this lawn area has no borders of soil. I find it difficult to believe that a cat will poo on your lawn and not try to bury it.

Our cats will go out in the snow and dig down to the earth to cover their poo.

We have foxes up here and they will go out of their way to conceal their discharge.

The cat in question must be well fed to perform it's actions "none stop".


Have you spoke with your neighbour about your problem, if what you say is correct I would not watch it out of the window I would be out and discouraging the cat. Your account of the situation does not register with me


Sandie why on earth would I tell it any different to how it actually is? Yes the garden does not have any borders, what is the point in me running out of the house after I have found my keys to try and discourage the cat? the cat will have finished by the time I get out there.

I am an animal lover and wish the cat no harm at all hence none chemical ways to deter or anything that would cause it harm.

The neighbors know as we have often joked, but can we do? the cat is not doing anything out of spite, it is just being a cat.

This was quite a simple question on here and I was hoping for simple advice from people who have faced an age old problem. I am sure this post has been made many times in the past, I apologise for not seeing it in the three or four days I have been here.

Jeeesh makes me wonder

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Try one of these:




They use a PIR detector to set off a quick flash of water. I used one to deter herons from my pond and a colleague used one for exactly the problem you have. This way, the cat gets a good faceful of water without you having to stand guard with a water pistol.

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Does your neighbour know you have the problem?

Just asking, because the cat owner could tip a bag of soft sand or soft soil and grit into an area of their garden as a 'cat loo'. You have to put a bit of poop in it to encourage them to go there.


Yes they know, it is not possible to use sand etc etc as the cat will not go on their garden due to them having a dog as well, they dont get on. The cat has always been an outside cat and never gone in their house, it belongs to them and hangs around on nearby walls fences etc etc andgoes on an out building for its food.


Situation with neighbours is fine and my attitude towards the cat is that it is not doing anything wrong...I just want to deter it from my garden and move it on to somewhere else for its toilet


I noticed or have misread but feel some are getting up tight on what was a genuine plea for advice from those that have experienced this before. If possible I would like to turn the situation around before summer as this will be the time hopefully my daughter will be playing in the garden I have created for her.


Some one mentioned earlier about orange peel, this rang a bell from many years ago with some one in the family that used this process, many thanks for jogging my memory as I had completely forgot and chances are I would not have remembered with out your comment.


Comments are appreciated and valued



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