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There's crazy Muslims and Lordy there's some crazy Christians!

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Well having been brought up a Christian and the majority of my family remaining so, it certainly wasnt to 'knock' them as you suggested earlier.


The Westboro Baptists were mentioned on another thread with regards to the funeral of the 9year old girl shot in the US-religious extremists are a common discussion topic here, you participate in most of them yourself, so Im surprised you should be so dismissive of my reasons for starting this one.


Goodnight to you too rg, dont let the bed bugs bite, they might endure an unpalatable meal ;)

you knock other people for starting threads like this about other religions but cant see it as your doing it yourself:huh:. if you read my earlier post i agreed with you about these people too.:thumbsup: .oh and the bed bugs didnt bite i hope you had a comfortable night and they didnt make an unpalatable meal out of you :hihi:
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you knock other people for starting threads like this about other religions but cant see it as your doing it yourself:huh:.
Wrong again ricgem, I knock people for starting threads that generalise about religions or the people who follow them because of the activities of the extremists within their number.


As you'll see I've been very careful to not generalise about Christianity and have said so several times. If anyone posted here saying the Westboro Baptists were typical of Christians then yes, I'd be knocking them too.

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There are loonies in every walk of life unfortunately, including the Westboro Baptists, only some people use the internet instead of placards. As they say it usually takes one to know one.


Do you know any Grahame? I might have missed it, but what's your view on the Westboro Baptists?

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The Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas have taken the christian message a little far, claiming all homosexuals will burn in hell, celebrating the deaths of US service personnel at their funerals because they "fought for a country that supports homosexuality" and rejoicing in their hatred of their own children who have questioned their doctrine.


I suspect they cant pardon the expression, but there's nowt as queer as folk.


Westboro Baptist Church family disowns daughter




Michael Moore paid them a visit



Whay have you decided to cover this story?

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Whay have you decided to cover this story?


Because the Westboro Baptists are a current news item, having threatened to demonstrate at the funeral of the 9 year old recently murdered in the US.




By the way my motives for starting the thread are irrelevant and incidental to what people think about the activities of this group.

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Oh ****, there's been some bad news about Muslims, lets scramble around to find some dirt on Christians. :hihi::roll:
Not at all scuba, they're a live news item and so significant that the Arizona legislature have moved quickly to ban demonstrations at funerals-that's a big deal for Americans-interfering in freedom of speech and shows how seriously they're taking this group.




Westbro Baptist Church have been known about as a bunch of crazies for a long long time. Strange that it has popped up on SF now. They must be the convenient token 'here's some bad Christian crazies for you' to wheel out when Muslims are getting bad press, 'cos we can't possibly have Muslims have any bad press without balancing it out.

On the basis that we've known about crazy Muslims for a 'long long time' (I acknowledge them in the thread title in case you missed it) you won't want to contribute to any threads involving them in the future?
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Here's another well thought out argument from an American christian who blames the bird deaths in Arizona on gays being allowed in the military... oh and Bill Clinton...




I wonder what her god thinks about people who prosecute illegal wars across the world? If there's any credibility to her argument, she should be waking up with a horses head in her bed every morning.

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