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There's crazy Muslims and Lordy there's some crazy Christians!

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That's not a condemnation at all, it's an attempt to deflect from an outright condemnation.


I seem to remember you were quick to condemn muslims for burning poppies and protesting at funerals. Not once did you use such weasily language to get out of condemning them.

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That's not a condemnation at all, it's an attempt to deflect from an outright condemnation.


I seem to remember you were quick to condemn muslims for burning poppies and protesting at funerals. Not once did you use such weasily language to get out of condemning them.


There have been other threads about the Westboro Baptists in which I have condemned them. I am surprised this thread has been allowed to run. BF must have been given a large spoon at Christmas with all the stirring he is doing.


However according to you Muslims are as bad as Fred Phelps for rhetoric and we know Muslims have done far worse than him in other ways.


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You may have intended a condemnation, but you haven't delivered one.


There are loonies in every walk of life unfortunately, including the Westboro Baptists, only some people use the internet instead of placards.


It is not clear from your sentence whether "the including the Westboro Baptists" refers to the proposition at the start or end of the sentence or perhaps more probably both.


The initial proposition appears to be saying "There are loonies in every walk of life" ie that Westboro Baptists is no different from any other organisation, in that it will have some loonies. That is not really a condemnation, more a defence of them.


The 'only some people use the internet instead of placards' is ambiguous I am not clear whether it is good or bad that some use placards (presumably Westboro baptists) and others use the internet.... who are these others?


As they say it usually takes one to know one.


This appears to be saying anyone accusing Westboro baptists of extremism or being loonies probably is themselves.


Graham, I am not sure what you intended to write but your referencing of this post as an example of your condemnation of them, is at odds with what it is actually saying.

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There have been other threads about the Westboro Baptists in which I have condemned them. I am surprised this thread has been allowed to run. BF must have been given a large spoon at Christmas with all the stirring he is doing.


However according to you Muslims are as bad as Fred Phelps for rhetoric and we know Muslims have done far worse than him in other ways.


A small perentage of muslims ie the terrorists are worse than phelps because they kill people. The bulk of muslims are a lot better than phelps however because they don't engage in the disgusting stunts or spew the bile that he so enjoys.

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That's not a condemnation at all, it's an attempt to deflect from an outright condemnation.


As I read it, it isn't even a deflection from condemning them.


It is supporting them and furthermore saying anyone that says they are loonies are loonies themselves.


Since Graham has now posted it in the context of him saying the opposite perhaps what it says was not Graham's intention and the confusion on this thread is in large part due to Graham saying the opposite of what he means?

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You may have intended a condemnation, but you haven't delivered one.




It is not clear from your sentence whether "the including the Westboro Baptists" refers to the proposition at the start or end of the sentence or perhaps more probably both.


The initial proposition appears to be saying "There are loonies in every walk of life" ie that Westboro Baptists is no different from any other organisation, in that it will have some loonies. That is not really a condemnation, more a defence of them.


The 'only some people use the internet instead of placards' is ambiguous I am not clear whether it is good or bad that some use placards (presumably Westboro baptists) and others use the internet.... who are these others?


This appears to be saying anyone accusing Westboro baptists of extremism or being loonies probably is themselves.


Graham, I am not sure what you intended to write but your referencing of this post as an example of your condemnation of them, is at odds with what it is actually saying.


I condemn the placard waving Westboro Baptists and I also condemn people who use the internet to air their own prejudices, they are on a par with the Jehovah Witnesses imo.



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There have been other threads about the Westboro Baptists in which I have condemned them. I am surprised this thread has been allowed to run. BF must have been given a large spoon at Christmas with all the stirring he is doing.


However according to you Muslims are as bad as Fred Phelps for rhetoric and we know Muslims have done far worse than him in other ways.


There's been one thread, in which you tried to defelect your condemnation onto muslims... http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=43002&highlight=westboro+baptists&page=13#259

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A small perentage of muslims ie the terrorists are worse than phelps because they kill people. The bulk of muslims are a lot better than phelps however because they don't engage in the disgusting stunts or spew the bile that he so enjoys.


Phelps is scum, but that doesn't excuse other scum.

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