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There's crazy Muslims and Lordy there's some crazy Christians!

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BF must have been given a large spoon at Christmas with all the stirring he is doing.


I'm happy to accept that criticism if starting a thread about a controversial issue is 'stirring', there wouldn't be many threads on here for you to contribute to if that were the case.

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I condemn the placard waving Westboro Baptists and I also condemn people who use the internet to air their own prejudices, they are on a par with the Jehovah Witnesses imo.


What is wrong with Jehovah's Witnesses?


I don't agree with them, but those I have met have been perfectly pleasant people.


I do find it extraordinary that you seem to find it difficult to make a post without condemning someone else. What happened to turning the other cheek? the Good Samaritan? the tolerance and respect evident in the New Testament?

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Then you condemn yourself:thumbsup:.


No. Islam talks about killing people and so does the Old Testament. Phelps is taking his views from the Old Testament which are similar to both Islam and Judaism, both of which condemn prostitutes to death by stoning.


Jesus speaks kindly about prostitutes and he specifically forbids murder.


Guess who I follow. :)


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I'm happy to accept that criticism if starting a thread about a controversial issue is 'stirring', there wouldn't be many threads on here for you to contribute to if that were the case.


This forum is full of whingers, fault-finders and complainers who love to do nothing more than to find fault with others and act as judge and jury, which is what you are doing in this thread.


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You said "I also condemn people who use the internet to air their own prejudices"


Then (in the same breath, so to speak) come out with such prejudiced comments like "Islam talks about killing people and so does the Old Testament. Phelps is taking his views from the Old Testament which are similar to both Islam and Judaism, both of which condemn prostitutes to death by stoning."

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No. Islam talks about killing people and so does the Old Testament. Phelps is taking his views from the Old Testament which are similar to both Islam and Judaism, both of which condemn prostitutes to death by stoning.


Jesus speaks kindly about prostitutes and he specifically forbids murder.


Guess who I follow. :)


If I didn't know whom you profess to follow it'd be hard to tell from your posts frankly. As Wildcat accurately observes it seems that you're unable to say anything without condemning some group or other.


Jesus also loves homosexuals, whom I seem to recall you pouring bile on on numerous occasions.

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What is wrong with Jehovah's Witnesses?


I don't agree with them, but those I have met have been perfectly pleasant people.


I do find it extraordinary that you seem to find it difficult to make a post without condemning someone else. What happened to turning the other cheek? the Good Samaritan? the tolerance and respect evident in the New Testament?


Again there have been numerous posts complaining about Jehovah Witnesses knocking on their doors and spoiling their Sunday dinner. Yet these same people use the internet to enter people homes with their own particular views and then they complain about hypocrites. The words pot, kettle, black come to mind.


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This forum is full of wingers, fault-finders and complainers who love to do nothing more than to find fault with others and act as judge and jury, which is what you are doing in this thread.


It seems to me that whilst this thread condemns a group, the group being condemned has done everything it can to set its self up for condemnation. Indeed in my post a page ago, I suggest that provoking litigation is their intention.


BoyFriday has made his posts carefully and respectfully acknowledging that Westboro baptists are unusual and not representative of Christianity as a whole.


What I find interesting is the people that have come to the thread with their own agenda and condemnations of others of muslims, of Jehovah's witnesses, of BoyFriday's intent. These weren't a part of the thread until others introduced them... it has made the thread interesting for reasons not too disimilar from your accusation, but like previous posts from you the truth appears to be the opposite of what you are saying.


The more revealing and interesting comments have come from those wanting to destract from what the topic is about and extend or move it on to their own pet hate subjects.

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