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There's crazy Muslims and Lordy there's some crazy Christians!

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What Phelps does is wrong and everyone agrees that what he does is vile, it is a known and acknowledged fact and even the American government is having to take steps to prevent him continuing his activities. We know this to be true, while PT instead of condemning his actions which we are agreed are wrong took it a step further and insulted the person.


The point is we have evidence about what he does and we are agreed that is is wrong, but PT went into unknown territory and insulted several peoples intelligence. Now Fred Phelps was a lawyer that requires intelligence and if his children take after him, and they seem a bright bunch, then they probably have higher than average I.Q. One was a true statement, while insulting a whole group of people by saying they only have half a brain between them is not only patently untrue but is abusive and an insult against the person, but PT excelled herself and went on to insult all the people, not for what they do, but for who they are which is something altogether different as well as probably being untrue.


What do you think about the activities of the Westboro congregation as demonstrated in the clips in the OP?

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How is he not Xian? The god in the bible punished adults he was displeased with by amongst others acts of unpleasantness killing their children on numerous occasions.


As such how is it "not Christian" for Westboro Baptist Church to glorify in what they regard as their god continuing in the tradition his holy books boasts about?


I base that notion on my personal view about Jesus as evidenced in the new testament. Jesus had a message of love, not hate.

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What Phelps does is wrong and everyone agrees that what he does is vile, it is a known and acknowledged fact and even the American government is having to take steps to prevent him continuing his activities. We know this to be true, while PT instead of condemning his actions which we are agreed are wrong took it a step further and insulted the person.


The point is we have evidence about what he does and we are agreed that is is wrong, but PT went into unknown territory and insulted several peoples intelligence. Now Fred Phelps was a lawyer that requires intelligence and if his children take after him, and they seem a bright bunch, then they probably have higher than average I.Q. One was a true statement, while insulting a whole group of people by saying they only have half a brain between them is not only patently untrue but is abusive and an insult against the person, but PT excelled herself and went on to insult all the people, not for what they do, but for who they are which is something altogether different as well as probably being untrue.


i get what you're saying, g-the self help mantra "don't be mad at the person, be mad at their action", so you say something like "you didn't hurt me, but what you did hurt me."

now, at the best of times this 'works' in reasonable situations, and, mostly, for kids, who need to know they been naughty but are still loved.


in situations like Phelps we have to despise the actions and the man. insult, as he does, his actions, and yes, him.


now, yes, he was a lawyer, and is probably smart, but deranged none the less. book learning and 'intelligence', I'd say are not one and the same. and to say his older kids and his other adult relatives are a 'bright bunch' is, at the least, questionable. they could believe in a higher power, even go all the way to orthodoxy but to take it where they take it without asking questions of their own actions hardly screams 'smart', does it?

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This is becoming ridiculous. I mentioned them (negatively) in acknowledgement that there are crazy Muslims too.


If I hadn't no doubt posters would have accused me of focussing solely on the activities of (some) Christians and the thread would have been derailed into a discussion of a) my motives and b) Muslim terrorists. It seems it was wishful thinking on my part.


If you're sufficiently interested I did post two links about the Westboro Baptists, please feel free to comment if you'd like to.


So you're saying you don't have a reason to make the OP?

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So you're saying you don't have a reason to make the OP?


It was to highlight the activities of the Westboro Baptists, I've said so several times throughout the thread so would have thought it was more than obvious.

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The Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas have taken the christian message a little far, claiming all homosexuals will burn in hell, celebrating the deaths of US service personnel at their funerals because they "fought for a country that supports homosexuality" and rejoicing in their hatred of their own children who have questioned their doctrine.


I suspect they cant pardon the expression, but there's nowt as queer as folk.


Westboro Baptist Church family disowns daughter




Michael Moore paid them a visit



You don't have to be muslim, christian or any other religeon to be an extremist.

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It was to highlight the activities of the Westboro Baptists, I've said so several times throughout the thread so would have thought it was more than obvious.


Perhaps your words are not enough and you should try to portray your message through the medium of dance and put it up on youtube?

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Perhaps your words are not enough and you should try to portray your message through the medium of dance and put it up on youtube?




"...I'm a little teapot, short and stout-here's my handle, here's my spout ;)

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That is Judaism from the Old Testament from which Mohamed got his inspiration. It isn't Christianity which is totally different and much, much better. :)



You follow the Bible. The Old Testament and New Testament combine to make up the Bible.


Jesus was a Jew and well grounded in these writings and believed in them. Or are you saying Jesus was wrong and you know better.

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Phelps would condemn a child to Hell if he could! (How horrible can you get?)


Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. (Luke 18:16 NIV)


That is the difference between Phelps hatred and Christ’s love.


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