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Are we safe in Hotels these days?

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Cressida if I worked in a hotel where you were staying, I would be lurking round your room at all hours !! [ for an autograph I mean ----far too old for hanky-panky....me, I mean-----not you ! ]

Seriously, most hotel doors have some kind of internal device to make it difficult for a pass-key or pass-card holder to get in, without breaking down the door.

I remember once in Scunthorpe----a beautiful, young blonde girl was always trying to force herself into m........O.K., then, I admit it------I 'm lying.

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I have always felt safe in hotels, but even last year I was put off staying in a single room by myself - staff have pass keys and now magnetic cards - I wonder who actually is allowed to have them


Ladies, would you feel safe staying in an hotel room by yourself?


One of my ex's and I were in a room, in bed, about midnight in a hotel somewhere and a bloke walked in the room. He said reception said it was empty! I could have been sexually assaulted if he'd been that way inclined....

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One of my ex's and I were in a room, in bed, about midnight in a hotel somewhere and a bloke walked in the room. He said reception said it was empty! I could have been sexually assaulted if he'd been that way inclined....




I bet you put the chair up against the door after that!

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Cressida, I 'm not very good at card games [ though I do have good sleight of hand ]. How about ' Hunt The Thimble ' ? You have to hide a thimble on your person, somewhere-----anywhere-----any old place in fact-----and the other person has to try and find it. You can have hours of fun and it would take anyone 's mind off insecure hotel entrance facilities !

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Cressida ! A supply ? I can see, young lady that you 'll have to be searched VERY thoroughly indeed. Another alternative could be to distribute some of your thimbles amongst the hotel staff and they would be so engrossed in the game that they wouldn 't have the time or inclination to be tampering with the guest 's private entrances ?

You know, my dear, I think I missed my calling-----I ought to be a hotel manager---or, perhaps better still--- a night porter !! Do you fancy co-owning a hotel with me ? We could call it ' The Fumbing Thimble ' 80 quid a night, breakfast or double beds extra, night visitors optional.

[ Incidentally, and this is true [ ! ] ----at a lot of the hotels in China, every night, in the rooms where they know there are only male guests, they shove a little ' flyer ' under the door, advertising ' complete body massage......etc....complete with photo of a beautiful masseuse, aged about 20. I suppose that IS better than someone just barging through an insecure door and grunting , " Up for it, then, love ? " ].

Now in exile in Malaysia----hope you are well, Cressida !

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