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Where do I stand? (Flu Vacc)

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Okay, bear with me here, a bit long winded.

Right. I am 34 weeks pregnant AND asthmatic which puts me in the at risk group regarding the flu jab.


First of all, I normally have the flu jab every year but this year with me being pregnant, up until recently I didn't know I could have it.

Anyway, I went to see the midwife for my 34 week appointment and when I entered the doctors the receptionist on duty asked me if I had had the flu jab yet to which I replied no not yet. She then asked me to bear with her as someone was supposed to be doing them this afternoon, 5 minutes later she asked if I could pop back between 3 and 4pm to have the jab (fair enough).

So off I trot to go and pick my kids up from school and then back to the doctors by 3 15pm.


I go to reception (different receptionist) and tell her what I'd been told earlier, to which she looked completely dumbfounded, went into the back to speak to someone and came back out to tell me I couldn't have the flu jab, that there had been some miscommunication somewhere and if I really wanted it I could go to the pharmacy at the other end of the village and pay for it privately :huh:


Now don't get me wrong if I do have to pay for it then fair enough, but the point is I shouldn't have to as with me being asthmatic I should have been given it months ago anyway!!!! (as in previous years)


So, where do I stand if I make a complaint/go see the practice manager? Will they just fob me off or will I get somewhere? Its just so frustrating being told one thing by one person then an hour later being told the complete opposite by some jobsworth.

Rant over :D

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