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What's happening with the planet's odd weather?

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Whatever it is it is freaking the hell out of me.


I think we are all in for a shower of :gag: from this and to be honest i don't think there is anything we can do about it :(


I used to worry about everyting when I was younger, especially nuclear wars


I dont worry now, as I get older I think I will be gone before the world packs up anyway


enjoy yourself and stop worrying so much :thumbsup:

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I used to worry about everyting when I was younger, especially nuclear wars


I dont worry now, as I get older I think I will be gone before the world packs up anyway


enjoy yourself and stop worrying so much :thumbsup:




Gonna enjoy myself tomorrow night :hihi:

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La Nina is happening




These things have always happened.




What's new though is that mankind is adding to the natural cycles that have played out over millenia. There's never been a time before when a species has pumped the amount of CO2 we're doing now on an industrial scale.


Just possibly we're making things worse?


Or maybe China, Brazil and India can join us in our polluting ways and the natural cycles will continue unchanged ... wahey let's experiment with the planets ability to cope with what we can do to it.


Let's dare to approach the tipping point and then see if we can put things right at the last minute. That'll be fun won't it?

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exatly :D: we have enough to worry about with just normal stuff.... without worrying about the worlds problems too :hihi:


One day the world's problems may become our problems.


But let's look on the bright side. Let's think of 3 reasons to be cheerful ...


1) We're high up in Sheffield, we're not going to sink like the Maldives:


To the naked eye, the signs of climate change are almost imperceptible, but government scientists fear the sea level is rising up to 0.9cm a year.


Since 80% of its 1,200 islands are no more than 1m above sea level, within 100 years the Maldives could become uninhabitable.




2) We're never going to be as hot as Southern Europe so heat wave deaths won't affect us as much.






3) We're not Polar Bears!






Hey it's fun being a doom monger ... we're all gonna die I tell you


(the question is ... are we hastening our own deaths by our own stupidity????)

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