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What's happening with the planet's odd weather?

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What's new though is that mankind is adding to the natural cycles that have played out over millenia. There's never been a time before when a species has pumped the amount of CO2 we're doing now on an industrial scale.


Just possibly we're making things worse?


Or maybe China, Brazil and India can join us in our polluting ways and the natural cycles will continue unchanged ... wahey let's experiment with the planets ability to cope with what we can do to it.


Let's dare to approach the tipping point and then see if we can put things right at the last minute. That'll be fun won't it?

While I applaud your passion the sad fact is nothing is going to change. The countries you mention and a few others in the near future are going to have their industrial revolution and they are going to become major polluters and there isn't a thing anyone can do to stop them
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While I applaud your passion the sad fact is nothing is going to change ... there isn't a thing anyone can do ...


Oh I know, I'm an optimist ... I read things like this and wonder whether they might be true ...


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world;

indeed, it's the only thing that ever does. "

Margaret Mead

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If you believe the carbon myth and man has an unnatural affect on the planet, crack on.


For the rest of us our conscience is clear and we will watch with awe at what nature throws at us next.


Earth is an extremely violent place and will endure despite the Human race.

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What's new though is that mankind is adding to the natural cycles that have played out over millenia. T....


So the floods in Brisbane (which peaked about one metre lower than they did in 1974 are worse not so bad because man is adding to (or should that be subtracting from?) the problem?

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True, - the floods in Queensland and the Brisbane area are a repeat of what happened in 1974 when climate scientists were banging on about the coming ice age. :)


That what is so worrying. All the astronomical data says we're heading into another ice age, and yet we see temperatures going up. There is no logical explanation, other than that human activity is making a hefty difference.

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