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What's happening with the planet's odd weather?

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Look, we're all going to die. Period.


Too true:help:

Like I said earlier:-


We're all doomed........



Mind you when you think about it not many people live past 100years anyway.

So make the best of it while you're here and get a hobby to take your mind off it.

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In the '70's, when scientists told us the world was heading into another ice age, that was it. Some people may have believed them, some people (paricularly old Bill, the local forecaster with his bit of damp seaweed and his pine cone) might've said they were talking a load of rubbish, but that was it.


The weather got on with whatever it was doing.


In the '90's when another lot of scientists told us we were heading into a warm age (and the ice age was quietly forgotten about) everything changed. Scientists hopped up an down, clamoured for (and often got) huge research budgets, started character assassination and vilification schemes against those who disagred with them. Some people believed them, others didn't (those who didn't believe were likely to be vilified, so many kept their heads down.)


The weather got on with whatever it was doing.


The big difference, of course, was that there was far more money to be made than there had been in the 1970s.


'Green' industries, 'Carbon Trading', trying to get other people to pay you because you mined your sea-level atol for aggregate to build roads and hotels (Tuvalu), lecture tours, 'documentaries', scare-momngering.


The opportunity to make a buck (or a Yen, Yuan, Rupee or whatever) was almost limitless.


Were the scientists in the 1970's not very bright?


Or are some of the audience today more easily persuaded?


The vast majority of scientists in the 1970s were predicting global warming.


What has happened since then is they have won the argument what was a 60% consensus is now in the region of 97%. Similar to the number of Scientists that will say that evolution has been proved.




The audience of today seem to fairly sceptical and will go to extraordinary lengths to deny expert opinion assert what they think is their self interest. Even going so far as to attempt to discredit them by talking about them profiting from their conclusions (which they don't - they would be getting their grants anyway) and attributing to them the tactics coomonly deployed against them.


A view based on an assessment of the facts and economics demands we act now to save on costs resulting from the consequences in the future.


The fact many deceive themselves about this goes some way to showing people's gullibility.

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Nothing new is happening its just the way its always been.


When Boscastle flooded down to the sea, did it not occur that the valley to the sea was created by rain. IF somewhere flooded 100 500 or 1000 years ago it will probably happen again.

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The Mayans have said nothing of the sort, it's just the end of their long count calendar before restarting.


They have never stated anything to do with the world ending on 21.12.2012.


Thats true!


Why would they bother working out their calender indefinately.

If they were still around now they'd have made it go further into the future, by now.


People read into things too much.


However there is a planetary alignment on 21/12/2012 but that doesn't mean anything either.

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