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Other immigrants not hated??

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If you don't look British, whatever that is, you probbably don't integrate with British society and I think that, more than anything else, is the contributing factor.


was just using 'British' coz i didn't know what other word to use. but i do get your point about 'britishness' being vague at best.

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Originally Posted by Bassman62

Were you in Sheffield when the Parkhill flats were built?

Did you see the living conditions that they replaced?

If not shut up and grow up.




What in the hell has that to do with your previous rant about a "syndrome" you quite blatantly made up. The characteristics of those living on Parkhill and the characteristics of Pakistani evolvement in this country has no bearing on each..otherwise there would be something out there other than your rant to confirm it. You'll be telling us next the failing of parkhill was due to Pakistani syndrome.

And you call mine a "rant"?

Shut up you pathetic twit!

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Is the intention of some posters to have posts removed and/or this thread closed? Both are likely to happen if the discussion keeps on a descent into more personal insults. Lets try and discuss topics like this in a reasonable manner. Please.


I get the impression that Alien as overstepped the line here, turning this debate into a slnging match.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone,

From my experiences, Sikhs are being targetted for theyre physical appearance. I am a turbaned and bearded Sikh man, and the lives of Sikhs have been turned upside down in the West ever since 9/11. My house windows have been smashed, car windscreens smashed, and been in numerous street fights. From my own opinion, muslim guys are treated much better than Sikh men by white people. When white people see a typical clean shaven and clean cut muslim, he is treated more 'normally'. If a Sikh bloke is seen, he is given so much abuse. I have lost count of the number of times my father has been called "Bin Laden". Even white women are open to dating a Muslim, but will refuse to give a Sikh man the time of day. So the bottom line of this post is that, Sikh men are more segregated than Muslim men in British society.

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There's very few problems in the US with Asian people, they work hard, don't cause trouble, quite a lot of them are very wealthy, Polish people same thing, very well liked, don't stand out as being trouble makers because there not, most work in the medical field and are more than welcome, on the other hand our jails are full of Mexican trouble makers.


You seem to have been troubled by muslims in the White house not so long ago......




Have you and the rest of the Tea Party people changed their minds?

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