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Casbah midweek new rock nights


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Has anyone tried out the new Tuesday and Wednesday nights at the Casbah Yet? Totally failed to get a taxi last night at 11 gave up and went home, so town must have been packed with students getting taxis or something....where were all the back cabs at 11 last night when you really need one......

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Originally posted by souldave

It's Ramadam you know, hence few taxis!!!


Oh no....not THAT time of year again...it will be HELL this weekend then trying to get a black cab....have to book up all my private taxis today for the weekend then.....not going to be standing in a MASSIVE Q at 2am on a Sunday morning.........no way

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So that's the reason for the chaos at the station on friday? :rant:


Perhaps the council should only be providing licences for people to be taxi drivers if said drivers are actually prepared to provide a consistent service? :suspect:

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Originally posted by Wilmawhyman

Yeah, Strix. So Christmas day and New Years Eve will be SOOO much easier to get a cab.:rolleyes:

Let me see? :rolleyes:


Christmas day = 1 day

NewYears Eve = 1 day


Ramadan = 1 month


Or is it the lack of taxis not actually due to Ramadan at all?

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On friday I noticed lots of people waiting for taxis in both sheffield and leeds, as I was up there playing a gig. But on saturday there was no problem, loads of black cabs.

I don't think that the whole of the month of ramadan will result in less taxis, just the occasional day.


One of the things I enjoy about travelling in taxis when I am alone is the drivers are always willing to have a chat, and I enjoy having a converstion with them about Religion, Islam, taxis, languages, sheffield and anything else which comes up. I always finish up shaking hands with the driver and wishing them a safe nights work and they are always gracious and friendly in return.

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