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The big fish fight!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Got this from local MP today. Total signed up is now 646,464 and 207 MP's have now signed the early day motion (from less than 20 before the programs aired).

Dear Andrew,


Thank you for your email about the Fish Fight campaign. I share your concerns and support this campaign which seeks to end the scandal of dead fish being thrown back into the sea and encourages people to make informed decisions about the fish they buy. I have signed EDM 1123.


Labour Ministers led the battle for fisheries reform in Europe when we were in government. I want to see the new Minister finish the job that we started and end the disgrace of discards. It’s a scandal that so much fish is discarded, either because they are too small, not marketable, or because the fishermen do not have a quota to land them. Discarding dead fish can have a damaging effect on the marine environment.


The EU Commission estimates that only 40% of EU fishing stocks have been fished sustainably. Reform of the Common Fisheries Policy is essential to improve the current annual quota system and to ensure that fish populations remain sustainable. Fish importers must also play their part in eradicating illegal fish from the market and promoting sustainable sourcing.


My Labour colleagues and I will continue to press the Tory-led government to lead the way in Europe on discards and fisheries reform. Thanks again for contacting me on this important issue.


Best wishes


Paul Blomfield MP

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The fish fight site has a great tool for anyone fancying a mackrel bap. Just put the name and address in the boxes and they will contact them to try to persuade them to stock it.



I fancy a mackerel bap too and have just checked this tool (after going to Green Steps for a bap to no avail) and found that there are NO CHIPPIES IN SHEFFIELD SELLING THEM ON THIS MAP!!! Shocking!

It's one thing lobbying (as the map has both my local chippies on there 'lobbying') but obviously another to actually DO something about it themselves.

Does anyone know where I can get a mackerel bap from?

Appalled and still salivating for a bap :help:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...
I fancy a mackerel bap too and have just checked this tool (after going to Green Steps for a bap to no avail) and found that there are NO CHIPPIES IN SHEFFIELD SELLING THEM ON THIS MAP!!! Shocking!

It's one thing lobbying (as the map has both my local chippies on there 'lobbying') but obviously another to actually DO something about it themselves.

Does anyone know where I can get a mackerel bap from?

Appalled and still salivating for a bap :help:


Guess what?!?!?! Green Steps at Sharrow Vale is finally doing Mackrel Butties!!! :clap: I literally did a celebratory punch in the air when I spotted it! Unfortunately I was already cooking fish that night so my long awaited Mackrel BAP will just have to wait a bit longer. Not to be steamrolled by national lingo I like the fact, as true Sheffielders, they've called a Butty too!


Luckily I live near the fish mongers on Sharrow Vale Rd (Mann's) and had resorted to making my own Mackrel baps with unsmoked mackrel, they were delicious even if the batter wasn't quite up to chip shop standards. Highly recommended. :thumbsup:

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