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Placement of a Photocopier, health and safety

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would entirely depend on the individual copier, I used to have one that had no recall whatsoever, but the main office one was all singing an dancing which could retain scnned docs for email/fax/copies.


The reason I enquire is very recently my bank card was CLONED and tried online to pay for purchases. However my bank's FRAUD SQUAD were alerted almost instantly and blocked my card preventing myself or others using. My Bank Manager related all information retrieved from Their Fraud Squad which did highlight...That the card new from an expired card had been in use after activation only a few days. Whereupon in that time the ONLY activity shown was the Direct Debit set up for a council tenancy and submission of financial documents for PHOTO COPYING to be reviewed by Housing Benefit staff. Which could also lead to the information needed to CLONE my Bank Card. The Fraud Squad are still actively investigating the cards activity through the vendors of the Online businesses by the Fraudsters trying to use my card and its details. It does make one wonder how scrupulous staff are in such organisations to the preventing of such Private and Personal Data which can so easily be viewed from the Days activity of their In-Store photo copying machines.

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So what happened again, you don't make much sense?


The council wanted a photocopy of your debit card?

So you went to a shop and got it done??


Could it not have equally been someone at the council taking the details off the photocopy of your card??


Asking for a papercopy of someones card details is pretty **** poor data protection IMO.

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Taking a photocopy of a payment card, especially if they get the signature and CVV on the reverse will put the council in breach of PCI standards and the OP should be complaining to the Payments Council and the ICO about it.

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Taking a photocopy of a payment card, especially if they get the signature CVV on theinreverse will put the council in breach of PCI standards and the OP should be complaining copyinge Payments Council and the ICO about it.


I feel best to leave it to my banks Fraud Squad who are experienced in this activity. As the cards activity in the few days of activation involved the SCC. setting up a direct debit and to the photo copying of bank related documents on site at the SCC. My cards activity in the few days of activation has and is being closely monitered.

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