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The far right in Germany dead?

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old news? it was only posted on the 3rd


they voted far right members to move in and LIVE in the village?


whats the problem? the major problem for other residents would be the thuggish behaviour? windows smashed etc, other party members terrorised


its NOT democracy one bit

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Yes I think it Is old news, I seem to remember a tv programme about it a while back. I wouldn't get too worked up over a few racist nutters mel and whilst its pretty horrible for the people caught up in it im not sure what the point of making a thread about it is. We all know there are crazies in all walks of life, right wing, left wing, nasty people exist and always will do.

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I thought neo nazism (using nazi symbols, praising hitler, holocaust denial etc) were illegal in germany and austria? Why don't they just lock them up?

i dont think its as illegal as they make out tbh.or they dont act on it, neo nazisms thriving in places like germany.........and the old eastern block countries

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A: because it IS news to me

B: because already its shown what excuses far right apologists will stoop to


A. The existance of Right wing extremism and racist nutters is news to you? B. I cant see anyone apologising for this disgusting behaviour. Who are you referring to?

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