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The far right in Germany dead?

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Please show me!


I just handle things differently to you. I know at times it puzzles you, but you don't have any proof because it's not true.


So am I on your list of usual suspects? :loopy:

And you talk of Orwellian society... LOL






So are you saying people are born that way?


The far right is rampant in every religion, every country. It's not isolated to any single group!


History has shown that it rises, therefore there must be reasons why...



In my opinion, people like you aggravate and give fascists a reason. How many troll threads have you got open just to argue and fight! You don't debate, you say daft things (often trolling or just plain demeaning), or you shout the odds!


But please carry on... You obviously are very clever and know what you are doing! :roll:


youve brought this up before, so ill answer, i DO NOT TROLL, i am serious in what i post in the serious threads, and i have a laugh in the not so serious threads

i also get entangeled in arguements in some threads, thats my fault, i cant let things lie (to paraphrase vic and bob)

i also do occasionly get mixed up in chats in threads if what i post fits with others that i know on here..........again its another part of me that just accidently happens.


I NEVER post things purely for a reaction, as i said i mean them

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I thought neo nazism (using nazi symbols, praising hitler, holocaust denial etc) were illegal in germany and austria? Why don't they just lock them up?


They are indeed illegal. If a person gets caught breaking that law, (s)he is likely to be arrested, locked up, tried and if convicted, subject to the full force of the law.


'Reports' of illegal activities - unless backed up with incontrovertible evidence - do not give rise to convictions, however. You need a bit more than an article in 'The Mirror' to get a conviction.


I understand that rioting is illegal in the UK (well it used to be, anyway.) We saw plenty of filmed rioting during December, a number of people have been arrested and a (very small) number have been tried and convicted. Why weren't ALL the rioters arrested? Surely they could all have been locked up and held in jail until it was clear exactly who had done what?


Or would that have caused more problems than it cured?


One small village in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern which is populated largely by neo-Nazi extremists?


Well, not quite. Jamel isn't a village; it's a hamlet. It isn't even big enough to get a mention in the population statistics for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern - and the Germans are usually pretty thorough when they publish statistics.


Jamel does not appear on Google Earth (well, not at the scale you'd need to see it) and local area mapping shows that Jamel is served by a dead-end road which is little more than a dirt track.


The metropolis of Jamel occupies an area about 350 yards long and (at it's widest point) 120 yards wide. (It's a bit smaller than Sheffield, isn't it? ;))


Even if 90% of the occupants of Jamel are right-wing extremists, then there aren't very many of them. (Given that the Lohmeyers (presumably) aren't neo-nazis and they own a farm which presumable takes up some of the acreage, then I doubt that ther percentage of neo-Nazis could be much higher than 90%.)


I'm pretty sure neo-Nazis are not allowed in the local hotel or pub ... If only because the place hasn't got one. It isn't big enough.:hihi::hihi:


Somehow, I doubt that the neo-Nazi hordes in Jamel constitute much of a threat. At least the police know where they are.


According to 'Think Babynames.com'

"The boy's name Jamel \j(a)-mel\ is a variant of Jamal (Arabic), and the meaning of Jamel is "handsome"."


Well, me 'andsome. When all those neo-Nazis find out they're living in a 'City' named after a darkie, what's the betting that all six of them will leave?:hihi::hihi:

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They are indeed illegal. If a person gets caught breaking that law, (s)he is likely to be arrested, locked up, tried and if convicted, subject to the full force of the law.


'Reports' of illegal activities - unless backed up with incontrovertible evidence - do not give rise to convictions, however. You need a bit more than an article in 'The Mirror' to get a conviction.


I understand that rioting is illegal in the UK (well it used to be, anyway.) We saw plenty of filmed rioting during December, a number of people have been arrested and a (very small) number have been tried and convicted. Why weren't ALL the rioters arrested? Surely they could all have been locked up and held in jail until it was clear exactly who had done what?


Or would that have caused more problems than it cured?


One small village in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern which is populated largely by neo-Nazi extremists?


Well, not quite. Jamel isn't a village; it's a hamlet. It isn't even big enough to get a mention in the population statistics for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern - and the Germans are usually pretty thorough when they publish statistics.


Jamel does not appear on Google Earth (well, not at the scale you'd need to see it) and local area mapping shows that Jamel is served by a dead-end road which is little more than a dirt track.


The metropolis of Jamel occupies an area about 350 yards long and (at it's widest point) 120 yards wide. (It's a bit smaller than Sheffield, isn't it? ;))


Even if 90% of the occupants of Jamel are right-wing extremists, then there aren't very many of them. (Given that the Lohmeyers (presumably) aren't neo-nazis and they own a farm which presumable takes up some of the acreage, then I doubt that ther percentage of neo-Nazis could be much higher than 90%.)


I'm pretty sure neo-Nazis are not allowed in the local hotel or pub ... If only because the place hasn't got one. It isn't big enough.:hihi::hihi:


Somehow, I doubt that the neo-Nazi hordes in Jamel constitute much of a threat. At least the police know where they are.


According to 'Think Babynames.com'

"The boy's name Jamel \j(a)-mel\ is a variant of Jamal (Arabic), and the meaning of Jamel is "handsome"."


Well, me 'andsome. When all those neo-Nazis find out they're living in a 'City' named after a darkie, what's the betting that all six of them will leave?:hihi::hihi:


the % there is higher than ANYWHERE else no matter how small the place is.


as for much of a threat, i suppose you dint actually read the article, sounds like a hell of alot of violence, threats and intimidation and damage to me

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Well to me the article sounded like a typical Der Spiegel 'Slow News Day' article. Long on hypotheses and unsubstantiated claims; short on provable facts.


It wasn't a new story either. - Here's a link dated Sep 25 2007 talking about exactly the same story.


According to that link, the population of Jamel (in 2007) was 36; 18 of whom were suspected to be neo-Nazis. Even the BNP can raise a few more votes than that.


50% of the population (may) be neo-Nazis. Some of them may be infants and some may be geriatrics suffering from Alzheimers.


You don't actually read Der Spiegel, do you?


If you want an interesting foreign viewpoint on the news, why not ask one of the American contributors to this forum to send you copies of 'The National Enquirer'?


You'll find lots of interesting information about the Far Right in that paper. Along with the latest news about ' a small rural village in England' and Elvis' vacation plans for 2011.:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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A: im an anarchist, ive always hated the left AND the right, on demos and protests ive always laughed at the likes of militant and socialist workers party that always use them to sell their papers but do bugger all else. on the uk front tho to me the most dangerous are the right (i know ive been attacked by em and fought them), ive spent 25 years fully independently anti racist / fascist, a member of NO anti facist groups.

thats me being honest............pity it cant be said for others on here


B: There is NO major cause of the far right, theres always been a far right and always will, doesnt mean its right. theres reasons why people dabble with and vote for stupid parties (mainly immigration) which in a lot of cases is based on lies and half truths and some people fall for them. on a whole tho the far right are hardcore supporters, not dabblers, and as i said before its a dangerous game.......people do die, people do get hurt and people do live in misery because of it, its not something to be fliappant about like the earlier posts in this thread.


C: as for you?, sometimes i wonder, sometimes i think im wrong, then get it acknowledged.


anarchism is an extreme left ideology, considering communists as lacking commitment!

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