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Park Drive Cigs Football Books

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The current news of George Best being in hospital sparked memories of me as a lad in the 60'searching the streets of Hillsborough for empty Park Drive cigarette packets because when you collected a certain number you sent them off and got a football book in return. I think I remember that 1967 had George Best on the front cover. Any body remember the book or even still got it?

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George was on the front of the first one.


Red shirt, mid-60s haircut, brown-ish ball at feet, launching an attack for Man U.


Can't remember who is on the front of the second one. Could it be Billy Bremner? I don't have it to hand.


Both copies are at my parents.

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My Grandfather [God rest his soul] used to give me these Park Drive football books. I seem to recall an interesting article on Sheffield football in one of them too [1968 issue?]. Does anyone have the issue containing the article? I would be interested in reading it again.

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  • 12 years later...

In 1968 / 9 I worked as a tobacco salesman (fag rep) for Gallaher Tobacco Ltd Herries road. One of our projects was to get pubs, WMC and the like to take some extra or new stock and as a gift we'd give them a copy, maybe more of the Famous book. Went down well.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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