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24 Hour Drinking (sessions)


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The changes in licensing laws are meant to stagger various closeing time. A handfull of pubs in sheffield have applied for late licenses (opening till 2 or 4), and I also guess you'll see more and more pubs opening till around 12.


Some casinos and simlar outlets will benifit and these will serve drinks much longer.


As for 24 hour drinking, my last understanding is that there has only been a handfull places across the whole country that have even contempleted appling for that (sheffield not being one of them), most places just don't see it being profitable or easy to serve people at 5 in the morning.


Off course there are also various groups telling the government that the British simply arn't responsible enough too handle these type of drinking laws.


Reading the forum I wonder where they get these ideas from......:suspect:

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I think 24 hour drinking is very very daft and pointless , nobody will do a whole 24 hour session,i dont care how many cliam(spelling?) they just wount.

Later serving times yeah deffo go for it ,imall for that but i dont think local pubs need to be open after 2 for a start.Now dont get me wrong in town yeah because thats why people go out into town to drink more and do it over a longer period of time but local pubs will fine themselfs dead after id say 2.


It is a good idea , it'll give people time to drink and not have the normal thousands of people in the streets at either 11 or 2am.I myself im only 20 and i see what happeneds and i do it myself i go out at8ish and drink as much as possible in the time allowed because i know i cant go on any longer , normally ends with me all over the show but a happy drunk!

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Originally posted by Snakey_B

I think 24 hour drinking is very very daft and pointless , nobody will do a whole 24 hour session,i dont care how many cliam(spelling?) they just wount.

I don't think the point is to go in, check your watch, and stay there until 24 hours have elapsed. It's more being able to go in (and out) at any time you choose, rather than dreading 11.20 rolling around.


Actually, one of the best drinking sessions I ever had was in Germany last year, when I stayed in the same bar from 7pm until 7am. Very civilised, no rush to down drinks, and when I came out although I was obviously drunk (mainly because of the double brandy I had just before leaving) I was far more compos mentis than I have been after many far shorter drinking sessions in this country. Plus, as an added bonus, I found I was able to speak German, which wasn't the case when I went in the previous evening.

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my best mate owns a pub and he says most pubs will only opt to apply for an extra hour, he says the only people that will apply for 24 hour will be off licences and super markets.


and i bet pubs get the blame for the upsurge in binge drinking and drunken yobs causing trouble,


if im honest i cant see why anyone would want to go one a 24 hour bender anyway, it would be of benefit to night shift workers i guess but who wants to drink at 6 in the morning.



in my opinion i think 2am is late enough for a pub.


just my opinion :)




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I am a member of the council's Licensing Board. There have been no applications for 24 hour licenses in Sheffield.


The date for applying for 'grandfather rights', i.e., a transfer of an existing license (with or without variation to opening hours), has now passed. The date for objections to all such transferred licenses has also now passed. All public, police and statutory body objections to new licenses have now been resolved either by Licensing Officers or the Licensing Board itself. The Licensing Board has, in the past few weeks, met almost daily to hear 120 such objections.


All new licenses, which include any variations in opening times, come into force on 24 November.

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is it me, or is this symptomatic of a city that is stuck in the 1980s (quite literally when you walk round some parts of Sheffield and see stonewash denim and white towling socks are still practically de rigeur)


I cant imagine this being the case in any other major city in England??

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Whilst it is true all the managers/landlords of the pubs and bars have been quite conservative in their applications, they have basically made a judgement on potential business, and clearly don't see enough money being made between 1am and 10am to justify the cost of recruiting extra staff and other extra overheads. Maybe if the drinking culture changes enough, or enough people start working night shifts to persuade them it is worth opening 24 hours... although they would still have to close for an hour or two for cleaning I would assume....


Looking at the national picture, obviously I can only go on what has been reported in the press, but the only bars I have read about that are going 24 hours are Wetherspoons that are based on railway stations that have airport trains running round the clock - that is Leeds for the Transpennine Express, London Liverpool Street for the Stansted Express and London Victoria for the Gatwick Express.

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People in Sheffield just dont get it!!!!!


I am originally from Liverpool, and I have also lived in Newcastle, as well as spending a lot of time in London, Manchester....


My point i am taking time in getting to is that come 11pm in Sheffield you have to go to a club or go home!! There are some late bars but so few that they are always packed and can charge what they like.


In other cities it is standard for every bar/pub in the city centre to stay open till at least 2 and for clubs to stay open usually till 4.


This means that you can go to places that are not so packed, cubana and forum.....


you dont have to rush drinks down your neck and you dont have to pay a fiver to get into a club, which lets face it, are pretty terrible in Sheffield.


Dont get me wrong i have lived here since 98 and I love the place, its just the council needs to let the night life grow, at the moment its stuck in the 80's.

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I agree, but they still aren't opening 24 hours are they.


The thing is, yes, we have a very poor choice of late bars at the moment, but the licensing has been the responsible of magistrates who have always appeared very dusty, fuddy duddy old gits. When the new laws apply, it becomes the council's licensing board's responsibly.


The good thing is, we will get more choice of where to drink after 11, as many of the ordinary pubs and more chilled out bars will be opening an extra few hours until 1 or 2am at the weekend, and midnight Sunday to Thursday, generally speaking, which is exactly what is needed!

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