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Full Thyroidectomy - Anyone had one? Advice needed

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I have never known this to be related to a thyroid condition, although vision can get a bit weird pre op, post op it should be back to normal... And paranoia??? Are you having a reaction to the thyroxin tablets? Have you been to the drs with your symptoms???

Hi Lady star, I've spoken to a few people who have experienced some weird things after total Thyroidectomy, or even just being on Thyroxine when levels aren't balanced.

Not sure if I'm reacting to the thyroxine. Currently I see my GP, Consultant endochrinologist and consultant surgeon. None of which wanted to lower my dose until they finally gave in this time with a TSH of 0.11.

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Thank-you for this thread, I am currently waiting for an ultrasound on my thyroid. I have difficulty swallowing and feel constant pressure on my windpipe. the worst bit for me is the wait at the moment. I would love to hear how you get on after the op, and the very best of luck with it all. x



How did your ultrasound go??

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Here I am 3 months on from surgery and.... not really sure what is going on. My brain is not functioning correctly to the point that my vision feels weird (Feels like I'm looking through a peephole on the world?!) TSH is very supressed so lowering my dose of thyroxine but confused by my hypo symptoms. Arrrggghhhh

And Phan..... I'm experiencing the madness just not the weight loss. I seem to get a sudden rage that develops in my guts, and some weird paranoia. :loopy::loopy:


I'm no doctor, but it can take a long time for a stable pattern to emerge based on a given daily dosage. Six to eight weeks under normal circumstances, but no idea what it's like after surgery.


I'd wager that the body's thyroxine requirement varies quite a bit, but over a similar period of time, and so you sometimes end up imbalanced one way or the other.


Your endocrine system is all over the place so glands everywhere will be twitching and gasping for a bit anyway.



If you're feeling weird eye symptoms, that's an indicator of being hyper (orbital fat pad issues - grave's disease) feeling a bit bonkers is an indicator of being hypo and hyper (unhelpfully), and mirrors in some ways bipolar disorder, hypo-mad is depressed/sociopathic, hyper-mad is manic/psychotic.


Sorry I missed your "operation was a success" post months back, I meant to keep an eye out for the thread.


Did they do it keyhole or did they slit your neck from collarbone to collarbone?

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I'm no doctor, but it can take a long time for a stable pattern to emerge based on a given daily dosage. Six to eight weeks under normal circumstances, but no idea what it's like after surgery.


I'd wager that the body's thyroxine requirement varies quite a bit, but over a similar period of time, and so you sometimes end up imbalanced one way or the other.


Your endocrine system is all over the place so glands everywhere will be twitching and gasping for a bit anyway.



If you're feeling weird eye symptoms, that's an indicator of being hyper (orbital fat pad issues - grave's disease) feeling a bit bonkers is an indicator of being hypo and hyper (unhelpfully), and mirrors in some ways bipolar disorder, hypo-mad is depressed/sociopathic, hyper-mad is manic/psychotic.


Sorry I missed your "operation was a success" post months back, I meant to keep an eye out for the thread.


Did they do it keyhole or did they slit your neck from collarbone to collarbone?


Hi Phan!

It wasn't quite collar bone to collar bone, but is about 4". Lucky I had it one really as I had 5cm, 6cm and 15cm (which they only found when operating and had grown into my chest area) tumors. All benign. I can breathe again!! Hurruh. But... I can certainly relate to the bi-polar comment. It feel quite physical/chemical in its origin and then my brain catches up and I go with it.. that being manic and annoying or low and pointless. The later seems to follow a bout of the former usually lasting 3 days each. Strange.

The eye thing: i've worked out that my vision is perfect but the message to my brain of what I am seeing is disturbed or slow to catch up. Hard to explain but feels like I'm not seeing the whole picture visually or cognitively.

Does that make sense?

I just can't seem to find a pattern of hypo/hyper that makes sense or similarly whatever it is that triggers the red mist/rage. Seems to be luck of the draw for some poor ususpecting person.

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  • 2 years later...



I wonder if anyone could help me, I am a 33 year old male, I had cancer of the Thyroid in 1998 and cancer of the lymph nodes in 2000. I underwent a thyroidectomy and had radio iodine and have had no real problems ever since until a month a ago.


My thyroid levels have never altered in 13 years, I take 300mg per day of thyroxine and have done for the last 10 years, I had some blood tests done recently and my T4 was 42 and my T3 0.02, I am due to see a consultant in a couple of weeks but wondered if anyone could give me some advise as I am a little concerned, I have had 3 further tests since then and levels haven't changed.



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