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What's the future of libraries?

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Well here on the Isle of Wight libraries are going to die unfortunately as the Council are closing all but 2 of the 11 libraries we have.


I don't know about in Sheffield but here libraries are used for other things than just taking out books - people use them to use the internet to look for and apply for jobs; various groups use rooms to have coffee mornings/meetings and there are also children's groups, school children use them and of course people use them for research.


Also of course the Island has lots of rural areas with no public transport available so the loss of the library in many areas is going to be a really large loss for the elderly but are our uncaring Council bothered - not a jot! All they are interested in is saving the pennies!


Your Local authority would not be closing libraries if they had the money to keep them open. You must have heard about the Coalition public service spending cuts? Local Authorities have had their grants from government slashed and now have to make choices about which services survive. Sadly, but understandably, when you have to choose between schools, care homes for the elderly and libraries, libraries lose every time.


You must have heard too that the Coalition proposes to replace public libraries with collections of books in supermarkets and pubs, supervised by volunteers?


We've been here before, in the 80's, when in Sheffield, we bought no new library stock for 5 years. Don't blame your Local Authority - they do care, I know. I am a qualified librarian and worked for the public library service for 27 years and it was heartbreaking under the Tories. I've also been a city councillor and know what it's like to have to make difficult decisions about public services.


Library services will disappear right across the country, not just in the Isle of Wight. The government proposes to amend the Public Libraries Act, which places a statutory obligation on all Local Authorities to provide "a free and comprehensive public library service". Try lobbying the government, not your Council.

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Do you know, before November I would have been shouting from the rooftops that I NEED libraries! Being disabled and stuck in the house most of the time, I have read umpteen books since being off work ..


However ...


I treated myself to an I Pod Touch last November .. and installed the Kindle application for the I Pod .. I've not been to a library since.

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I use the library at Southey Green occasionally and was thinking about this the other day. I think, as they are now, their days are numbered. Perhaps a fee could be charged to use the services or they could be staffed by volunteers. Its a shame that future generations won't have the same opportunities as we have been lucky enough to have.


This article states that they have become a "privilege of the white middle classes" That's not true, Firth Park library is always busy and the only middle class people in there are perhaps the staff..


Although, their days appear to be numbered...


It's where to go when I've spent a fortune at the shops:D

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We should ban Amazon Market Place... I can buy books and have them delivered cheaper than going to the Library and paying my late fines!


I love libraries, my Mum was a librarian for a number of years. But I still find them as a place of solitude, when in town and I want a nice quiet half hour, i'll pop in and either have a little read or walk around the gallery!


We also use libraries to rent DVD's for the kids. A lot cheaper than the rental places, you get them for longer and the library is closer than the rental shop! (Oh they also don't push sweets at you at the same time either!)

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When I was a lad, my Dad used to take me to the library two or three nights a week for an hour or so. I'd spend time just looking at various books, maybe my Dad would have got my interest going for something new, inspired by the news, new technology or maybe even politics.


I also met quite a few people there too, from football hooligans to professors, many of who I still know. It takes all sorts! You may be surprised if you go down to the library today!

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I too used to go the library for the evening craft sessions, I think on a Tuesday nights. I absolutely loved it.

I think it started my interest in crafts and inspired some creativity. Interesting that now my 15 year old is fabulous at crafts of all sorts, knitting, making her own clothes , baking and sewing.

maybe I passed something on!

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I think they'll have to start utilising the space more. In this day and age when there are so many other ways to access information they need to raise funds to survive..But I feel most will close as they are now, some may be run by community groups / volunteers and the main city centre ones may survive..

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