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What's the future of libraries?

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Haven't seen anything about library closures in Sheffield, have the Council made any proposals in the matter ?


Politically the closure of public libraries is a logical next step. Having trashed the education system the political elite will naturally seek to deprive people of the means to educate themselves.


Carnegie will be spinning in his grave.

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What about sticking post offices and Doctors surgeries in them?


Aston library is in a building that houses the doctors surgeries a chemist and council offices. I took my daughter to her doctors when she was unable to drive after an operation and actually joined the library because I was so impressed with it. So instead of buying books I now borrow them they have a self check out you can phone or go online to renew them only a small library but very nice and friendly, they also have computers but not used them yet.

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Everybody should join the library.


The libraries offer a service to everybody, but for the elderly and infirm it can be a major part of their lives. Now when councils look to cut funding, libraries are always considered for the axe and the council can justify this by pointing to the fact that they have very few members.


It takes a few minutes online to join Sheffield Libraries and there is a good chance that you are doing a great public service.


Please everybody, join the library!



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What about sticking post offices and Doctors surgeries in them?

Gleadless Library on White Lane shares the premises with a doctor's surgery, Crystal Peaks Library is in with the Housing office, Concord and Westfield libraries were in schools before they were closed, Lane Top library was above Hillards supermarket before they were both closed, Upperthorpe library is now part of Zest fitness centre and these are just a few. Libraries share premises wherever they can, but it won't stop them being closed. Premises aren't the main expenditure for libraries - staff and stock are. That's why we lost the book fund for 5 years in the 80s and that's why the government is proposing book collections are run by volunteers.

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Of course I have your address..I'm sat outside now, have a peak through the curtains. I'm the dashingly handsome bloke in the Hillman Hunter :hihi::love:


Oh you've said that before, I sat on my balcony one evening to find out that car was parked further up the road:o.......thank goodness!:hihi:

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The superb group, 'British Sea Power' is acutely aware of the closing down of British libraries. As such they're inviting suggestions as to any libraries that would support them to allow them to use their facilities in future gigs to raise awareness. :)

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