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Depression and its wider effects.

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Inspired by another thread where a persons cry for help was met by some incredibly nasty comments. I suddenly asked myself why these people were been so horrible. Perhaps they are also in some way depressed and their hurtful comments may have been a cry for help also.

If this is the case then it would seem that its a common problem and must have many knock on effects. Your job and your family could be affected. As could your physical health but what are the wider effects of depression. On society and on people.


Peace and love :)


Sometimes, and this is only my own opinion..You see a post, and you wonder if it is a genuine request for help.Being of a caring nature myself I often try to help or give advice and then that person never replies or even acknowledges your advice, then you feel kind of rebuffed and a bit stupid, so you can't blame people for trying to find out if the Poster is for real. However, I wouldn't let that stop me trying to help someone if I could.

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Sometimes, and this is only my own opinion..You see a post, and you wonder if it is a genuine request for help.Being of a caring nature myself I often try to help or give advice and then that person never replies or even acknowledges your advice, then you feel kind of rebuffed and a bit stupid, so you can't blame people for trying to find out if the Poster is for real. However, I wouldn't let that stop me trying to help someone if I could.


Seconded the person who started that thread has a rep as a sexist atention seeker his posts are usually deleted due to their nature and he loves sending decent people abusive PM's.


Depression is serious.Fact.


Anyone who is genuinely suffering must seek help. The first port of call should be a GP or other healthcare proffesional who is trained to help I would not wish it on my worst enemy.

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I agree with Flowersfade.

Depression is incredibly serious and if someone genuinly needs help then my heart goes out to them and i would help in anyway possible.

If someone is just doing it as a wind up then its a little sick and judging by the previous posts(and pms) from the thread starter you are talking about, then i think its a wind up :(

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As Medusa had already removed them I don’t know what was said but sometimes the truth hurts but as to be said.

What do you mean by "the truth hurts"?. Are you having a dig at people who suffer from depression?. Are you one of these people who think that sufferers should pull themselves together like a pair of curtains. As a sufferer I can assure you that if we could we would. :rant:

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What do you mean by "the truth hurts"?. Are you having a dig at people who suffer from depression?. Are you one of these people who think that sufferers should pull themselves together like a pair of curtains. As a sufferer I can assure you that if we could we would. :rant:


People with a problem like depression, weight , drink, gambling or what ever have to first realise they have a problem ……… " the truth hurts " ……… if people want to read more into my post then that’s their problem not mine.

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