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Jokes we play on our partners :)

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Just reminded myself of some amusing times at other peoples expense and wonders if others do things to there partners :)

April fools day my mum was waiting for a new hoover to be delivered, she told my dad that the bloke was waiting outside and wanted the old hoover carrying out, So off went my dad on the street to the first car he saw offering the occupier our hoover, Much to the poor blokes dismay lol.


My cat brought a mouse in and dropped it, my fella is scared of mice, Next minute hes putting his t shirt on complaining something was itching, as i looked down the t shirt there was the mouse sat on his shoulder pmsl, He got that t shirt off in seconds and ran outside lol.


Im always winding my fella up or playing daft tricks on him, does anyone else do this?

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i like to type "i am gay"on my oh's laptop when he leaves himself logged on facebook,and forums,makes me chuckle,


one day we got into our car he was driving,we both could smell dog poo,my boots were fine so was on my oh's, he pulled into a layby,i got out and went to the drivers side,he sat there and passed me his shoe!!

so i threw his shoe as far as i could onto the grass,his face was priceless,


i did fetch it back once id stopped laughing hehe

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When the late Ronnie Wood was in the later stages of MS, close to death, he used to pretend to be dead when his wife came in. That's taking it a little too far one thinks...


Who's Ronnie Wood? And why was he shopping in Marks and Sparks if he was that ill?

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Another thing i do is when he's too lazy to text one of his friends or reply to them, He hands me the phone and say's send .......... whatever so i do but i end it with "sugarbum" or "i love you" or something as silly and gay, It right amuses me but he just thinks im daft. Ahhh ....... Little things......

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