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Ban football


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The original thread about banning football was a tongue-in-cheek extreme comparison of the two and of course banning is never going to be anyway feasible. This has somewhat backfired in an attempt to get people visit this thread. The way I written the original thread was me being :loopy:




Footballers are overpaid for what they really do; however, it is obvious that the club have to be pay big money to keep top-flight footballers at their clubs to be successful and win cups/promotion/stay at the top, but at what price?


The premiership clubs are healthy but the lower clubs are struggling to survive and are debt ridden.


How many people have been driven away from football clubs because of high prices? I know a few people who have been regular going fans that cannot afford or tolerate high prices.


How do you see football in 10 years time at the current rate of record breaking pay?


How many football club will go into receivership?


What you it mean to you if your football club no longer exists one morning because of bankrupty?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by billyblade

At least football is payed for by people at the turnstiles, sky t.v. money etc. not my taxes.

Taxes pay the police to stand around football grounds so rival fans don't start fighting, wasting thousands of pounds and valuable police time - don't act like everyone involved in the sport is innocent.



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Originally posted by Chris_Sleeps

Taxes pay the police to stand around football grounds so rival fans don't start fighting, wasting thousands of pounds and valuable police time - don't act like everyone involved in the sport is innocent.




Incorrect, the club has to pay for matchday police operations.


As for footballers being overpaid, I don't think they are - the players are what bring the money in. Take Beckham for example - Real Madrid make a packet from him, a hell of a lot more than they pay him.

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Originally posted by fnkysknky

Incorrect, the club has to pay for matchday police operations.

No, the club only pay for policing inside the ground. We pay for the hundreds of police overtime hours for policing the city centre, train station, etc.

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Originally posted by fnkysknky

Incorrect, the club has to pay for matchday police operations.

They don't, and that still doesn't excuse taking up police time on such pointless events as football matches. There aren't enough police on the streets as it is, so taking a huge force of them to police hooligans allows crime to prosper. I'm not saying ban football games, just recognise the problems they cause.



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Originally posted by John


How many people have been driven away from football clubs because of high prices? I know a few people who have been regular going fans that cannot afford or tolerate high prices.


How do you see football in 10 years time at the current rate of record breaking pay?


How many football club will go into receivership?


What you it mean to you if your football club no longer exists one morning because of bankrupty?


I used to go to lots of matches as a kid but if I had the opportunity to go now I wouldn't because I don't feel it's value for money.


I feel there will be a cap on the wages not too far into the future. Sky TV will seek to pay less money for TV rights at some point which will force clubs to ajust their spending patterns and wage structures.


Quite a few clubs will go into receivership IMO because they have simply over spent on bad investments and not made any provision for the future. The only hope for these clubs will be takeover bids or been taken in by bigger clubs.


Finally, I wouldn't like to see any football club go under. I class football clubs as peices of history and they should be preserved.

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