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Why dont mods consider doing

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Delete any replys if it is picking on people spelling and grammer as all it do is start silly argument


You spelled replies and grammar wrong


I agree...


You spelled disagree wrong




No, i agree, there are several individuals who seem to really thrive on pointing out spelling mistakes. Excessive text speak annoys me, but honest spelling mistakes are par for the course

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They delete duplicated for sale threads very quickly and efficently

They do, don't they. That's partly because those threads get reported very frequently and quickly indeed, and partly because there's an efficient group of asst. moderators working well in the marketplace section.

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i iz reight gud at spelin init? you don't no nowt about nuffin yu don't u shud mined yur own bizness an not pik on us whu don't not spel evryfin rieght all da tiem Jus cus I nevver went to no skool or nuffin or never lernd owt about anyfin to do wiv spelin i just txt mi mates and dey spel reight gud an all.


Apologies for the frightful grammar chaps.

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