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Will anti discrimination laws soon mean an end to interviews for jobs?

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If you have, on paper, all the necessary experience and qualifications to do a particular job, aren't you being discriminated against in one form or another in an unsuccessful job interview?


No - because there are things that are tested in a job interview that can't be covered by a CV. Apart from things like verbal communication, if you've put down you have experience of X, they can ask you questions about it to test the limits of your knowledge and understanding.

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Any employer will use his or her powers of discrimination in order to discriminate between one applicant or another. When one is forced to choose one person over another one is forced to be discriminatory.


Or am I being pedantic?


This paragraph could easily read ...


Any employer will use his or her powers of differentiation in order to differentiate between one applicant or another. When one is forced to choose one person over another one is forced to differentiate.

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What about jobs that are advertised which are already earmarked for someone? You go through the drama of applying for the job, being lucky to get shortlisted, going through all the prep and presentation and finally going for interview and don't get it and later find out that someone already doing the job has got it.


This has happened to me in a government office. I was an outside candidate and I asked how the vacancy had arisen and the response was that we have a temp in place and we are planning on keeping him on.


Had a moan to their HR department about that. Didn't get me anywhere though!

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Any employer will use his or her powers of discrimination in order to discriminate between one applicant or another. When one is forced to choose one person over another one is forced to be discriminatory.


Or am I being pedantic?



Probably you are, but the point is that employers are allowed to discriminate on the basis of ability, experience, how easy you are to work with and so on. They are not allowed to discriminate on various other bases - notably gender, race and sexual orientation.

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