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Manufacturing in China shutting factories in USA

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Many of the European car manufacturers build a large proportion of their cars in China. As far as I know VW alone build more cars there than the total UK car industry's output.


If your job can be done cheaper in China it will probably end up there.


Vw built cars in China for Chinas own market and not export, do you research before talking rubblish

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And by paying peanuts for work and potentially/allegedly abusing basic human rights.

Many Chinese factory floor workers live in poverty. That is what our demand for ever cheaper goods causes.


Things are improving (pay is increasing/conditions are improving), but there is a reason things made in China are cheaper. Automation is possible anywhere in the world. Cheap labour (as cheap as in China) is less common in Europe/The U.S.A.


That is a myth. The motor manufacturers don't pay peanuts. They pay wages far higher than the workforce could get elsewhere. European motor manufacturers have set up plants throughout the world and have highly trained workforces. The Chinese plants might not pay the same wages as the USA but they are certainly capable of attracting workers from around the world to work there. The workers can afford colour TVs, fridges, and most of the other luxuries that their western equivalents can. The reason why VW make so many cars in China is because most are bought by the Chinese themselves.

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That is a myth. The motor manufacturers don't pay peanuts. They pay wages far higher than the workforce could get elsewhere. European motor manufacturers have set up plants throughout the world and have highly trained workforces. The Chinese plants might not pay the same wages as the USA but they are certainly capable of attracting workers from around the world to work there. The workers can afford colour TVs, fridges, and most of the other luxuries that their western equivalents can. The reason why VW make so many cars in China is because most are bought by the Chinese themselves.


Maybe, maybe not, though I wasn't meaning to single out the motor trade specifically but general manufacturing. For every factory that pays well (for the area) there will be several that don't.

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Maybe, maybe not, though I wasn't meaning to single out the motor trade specifically but general manufacturing. For every factory that pays well (for the area) there will be several that don't.


The sort of manufacturing that is closing down plants in the USA and Europe isn't in the main the sweat shops that we like to imagine is typical of China.

There are of course lots of places producing fake designer brands, but that really indicates just what a rip off these brands are making in the west.

The fact is that China has a growing middle class who can have a very nice lifestyle on half the salaries of the folk in the USA whose jobs they are taking. With China achieving 9% year on year growth the trend will continue. There is a very good reason why more Rolls Royces are sold in China than are sold in any other country.


Take trip to Shanghai or Hong Kong if you want your eyes opening.

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Vw built cars in China for Chinas own market and not export, do you research before talking rubblish


VW build cars in China for the whole of the Far East. China exports more cars than it imports with exports increasing by over 100% in the last year alone. China exports more cars than the UK.


do you research before talking rubblish

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It's basically a self inflicted death spiral we engage in if we attach no value to things made in our countries.


I had a Morris Marina once. I think it was made on a day that Redrobbo allowed the plant to work, although I suspect it was made by the tea boy on a day when he didn't

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Apparently, (according to the news today) Chinese manufacturing is costing many jobs in the USA because of how cheap the goods are. Factories in the US are being closed down. The report (which focused on the clothing industry) also said that there are now 20 million people unemployed in the USA. I know the US is big, but that is a lot of people without work.


In contrast it stated that in the area of China where all this manufacturing is being done, there were 20,000 jobs up for grabs. These were all in this one job centre.


Armchair politics is easy -I know, but I am thinking that there must be a good reason why the USA do not tax these cheap imports more.


I wonder how long it will be before the Chinese car industry will be having an effect on the West.


10s of millions of people (perhaps 100s of millions) live on the equivalent of a US$ 1 - US$2 a day in India and China (amongst others).


The Global Banksters get their tame wholly owned National Politicians to embrace Globalization.


Governments import cheap labour (mass immigration) to drive down pay and conditions and at the same time export production/Capital/jobs to countries that employ children for a pittance who are expected to toil 12 hours a day every day.


The Globalist Banksters care not a jot for individuals or Nations as one Nation declines it becomes the new sweat shop as the next Nation ascends it becomes the new Growth Consumer Market.


Regardless of the ebb and flow of fortunes the Banksters always own the cheap production and sell into the temporary buoyant market.


The sheeple are entranced by their Cheap Goods in the West until the tide turns and they realise too late in the day that they are to become the next unemployed impoverished sweat shop.

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