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Manufacturing in China shutting factories in USA

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They were one HORRIBLE motorcar. British Leyland's worst of a bad lot. We should have done a 'Volvo' and employed Italian designers.


To be honest I have very little sympathy for SOME of the workers who have seen there job go abroad. The folk who made Marinas were always out on strike and taking massive subsidies from the tax payers to make crap cars and sleep on the night shift. Many of the unions thought they ran the country and I just remember endless strikes and endless power cuts.

Nowadays we import cars and just about everything else. The quality is better, the reliability is better and it turns up on time, and not when Red Robbo decides.

I can't remember the last time we had a power cut that wasn't due to a fault rather than some bolshie turning off the switch.


By the way they did employ Italian designers. They redid the Marina as the Ital, and the Morris Oxfords were designed by Pinninfarina.:hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:

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I agree with BritPat. Until China starts to let it's currency float to what it should be on the world money market, stop selling it's products dirt cheap on the back of it's underpaid, semi-slave work force then it's exports should be subject to tariffs


See post No2. Who is correct then?

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See post No2. Who is correct then?


Imposing tariffs until such times as China changes it's ways in the way it does business and impoves it's record on human rights is the correct way to go.

The only people profiting from all this are are an elite group of wealthy Chinese and big American businessmen.


A pair of Nike cross trainers for example would cost around ten dollars to make but sell in the US anywhere from 50 to 75 dollars so whose is reaping in the big money?

These people dont care about American jobs disappearing. They just want Americans to buy their stuff at grossly inflated prices and let someone else provide jobs for Americans

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China's exports are already subject to tariffs.


A trade war would certainly hurt China, but it would hurt whoever was on the other side, too.


If all imports from China to the EU and all imports from China to the US cost 50% more from next week, how long would it be before there was a massive outcry from consumers?


How long would it be before manufacturers in the EU and the US complained about a huge rise in production costs?


How many peope would lose their jobs as a result?

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How are things going at Guantanamo these days?


No one has been executed yet, they are all enjoying three square meals a day, prepared to Muslim requirements and some of them have put on considerable weight. They are also free to read the Koran

We could send them all over to you but I doubt Cameron would go for it. No other country, even their own want them either and they cant stay in the US so until that situation is resolved here they stay.

Write your MP and petition for their release and classification as asylum seekers with eligibilty for UK residence :D

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No one has been executed yet,


So how many executions were there in the USA last year?


We could send them all over to you but I doubt Cameron would go for it. No other country, even their own want them either and they cant stay in the US so until that situation is resolved here they stay.

Write your MP and petition for their release and classification as asylum seekers with eligibilty for UK residence :D


We didn't take them to Guantanamo in the first place.

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