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Is NHS reform for the benefit of fat cats?

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The evidence that Tory healthcare reform is being strongly influenced by private vested interests is overwhelming






Apart from the direct evidence of collusion between Tory policy makers and the private healthcare industry, there is also strong evidence that what they are proposing has invariably led to poorer and more expensive health services in countries where it has been implemented.

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The evidence that Tory healthcare reform is being strongly influenced by private vested interests is overwhelming


Remember that Channel 4 "Dispatches" program where they approached various MPs with a proposition from a fake lobbying comany? See how they all queued up to spread their legs for money? Remember MP Stephen Byers describing himself as "sort of like a cab for hire."




These are the people who supposedly are there to represent you. And they are. As long as you have the kind of wonga that they'd be interested in (hey, they've got second homes to maintain, kids in private school, etc. them kinds of expenses ain't cheap y'know).


The likes of Stephen Byers are not exceptions to the norm, they are the norm. So there's corruption, dodgy dealing and backhanders in the NHS reforms? Quelle surprise!


But hey, let's keep some perspective here. At least the great British public is keeping up with all that's truly important in UK current affairs. Katie and Alex (and Peter). The latest about some footballer and oh yes, what's Cheryl Cole being doing lately?


'A Nation of Sheep Breeds a Government of Wolves'

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I can't understand why more people aren't worried about this... they are caling it NHS reforms but it seems like back door privatisation to me. I thought this country loved and cared about its NHS? I know its not perfect, but comparing it to the likes of the US system, which costs far more, it performs better.


Disbanding PCT's and the like, it seems like NHS managers are perceived as adding NOTHING to the NHS, but I don't accept that. The NHS is one of the biggest employers in the world, let alone the country, it spends £90 billion a year, with figures like this of course people need to be employed to manage it. GP's aren't managers, they shouldn't be controlling budgets, they should be seeing patients, which is what they are trained for.

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I can't understand why more people aren't worried about this... they are caling it NHS reforms but it seems like back door privatisation to me. I thought this country loved and cared about its NHS? I know its not perfect, but comparing it to the likes of the US system, which costs far more, it performs better.


Disbanding PCT's and the like, it seems like NHS managers are perceived as adding NOTHING to the NHS, but I don't accept that. The NHS is one of the biggest employers in the world, let alone the country, it spends £90 billion a year, with figures like this of course people need to be employed to manage it. GP's aren't managers, they shouldn't be controlling budgets, they should be seeing patients, which is what they are trained for.


Because if people don't realise what's happening it would make it easier for them to privatise the NHS. If it was out in the open there'd be uproar. Unfortunately the voting public are not very bright and don't pick up on things very fast. I said what would happen if the tories won the election, but nobody ever listens and it's far too late to start crying about it now.

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Did anyone watch 'This Week'? It's the programme on Thursday after Question Time.


Interestingly Michael Portillo (a Tory I have some time for) suggested that the Tories didn't mention the reforms before the election simply because they know the electorate did not trust them regarding the NHS.

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The evidence that Tory healthcare reform is being strongly influenced by private vested interests is overwhelming






Apart from the direct evidence of collusion between Tory policy makers and the private healthcare industry, there is also strong evidence that what they are proposing has invariably led to poorer and more expensive health services in countries where it has been implemented.




There were no Fat Cats under Labour?

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I can't understand why more people aren't worried about this... they are caling it NHS reforms but it seems like back door privatisation to me. I thought this country loved and cared about its NHS? I know its not perfect, but comparing it to the likes of the US system, which costs far more, it performs better.


Disbanding PCT's and the like, it seems like NHS managers are perceived as adding NOTHING to the NHS, but I don't accept that. The NHS is one of the biggest employers in the world, let alone the country, it spends £90 billion a year, with figures like this of course people need to be employed to manage it. GP's aren't managers, they shouldn't be controlling budgets, they should be seeing patients, which is what they are trained for.


GPs are already run like businesses, so who currently manages their budgets?

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GPs are already run like businesses, so who currently manages their budgets?


They have a practice manager, I believe. Whether these persons will be able to manage 80% of the total budget, I don't know. It soulds a bit risky.


Mecky, darn right people don't trust them. It wasn't in the manifesto, it's not in the coalition manifesto. The thing is, if the privatisations starts, I don't reckon, even when they get chucked out in 4 years, that it would be reversed once it has started. After all, the railways, water companies and utilities are still private now. RIP the NHS.

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