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Non -Foreign Mums banned from Foreign-only playgroups..

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I suppose that if it was only for British woman it wouldn't be racist.


There are people who do not like racism (Me, and most other people)


And there are people like you, who thinks racism is okay in some cases.


If you think this is okay then you're racist, and that's all there is to it.


but its niether about race or colour, nor is it discriminating


its set up to help people of a certain type that otherwise maybe disadvantaged NOT to discriminate against another type

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The Sun called it a playgroup, if you look at the website it's very much more about the mothers, with a creche attached to allow them to engage in the activities and training provided.


I suspect doreen and maureen or whatever they were called would have been bored rigid within five minutes had the church acceeded to their demands and let them register as the activities would have held no meaning for them being already british and already integrated.


I've looked at the website too. I think its a pity the Sun didn't check things out before they printed as there is nothing that states white British children should be excluded. But I'm sure the article got the desired reaction from its readers. ;)


Interestingly on the website there are pictures of some of the children: http://www.prioryparkplaygroup.org.uk/press.html#upup


Perhaps I'm stereotyping, but some of them certainly look as if they are from the white British majority population to me.


There may be certain sessions that are specifically targetted at different parts of the community, I'd see nothing wrong with that as it would attract people who otherwised might not have the confidence to join the mainstream straight away.

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Given that mel is one of the most consistant anti-racists on here, can you show us where he 'thinks racism is OK in some cases'?


John X


i think he means this thread and subject matter........which isnt actually race related

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Wrong, it is council funded so it should be open to all children.

I wonder what all you lefties would say if a playgroup was set up and council funded that only accepted British children and refused immigrant kids.

They are supposed to be integrating with the indigenous population.

But of course according to you hippocrates this playgroup is not racist because it is British kids that have been discriminated against.


lol im as far right wing as they come mate plz dont insult me by calling me a lefty.

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I wonder if a single word of this article is true, strangely I took my daughter to the same playgroup and had no issue.I'm white and unfortunately also british, my wife is French but they weren't to know that. there were other "british" families there, these women seem to be the only ones who were excluded.


- John Doe, St Neots, 19/1/2011 20:03


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Mod note: We've already asked you to stop the bickering and personal insults and to stay on-topic, which is about the playgroup, not the B&B owners. Obviously this kind of issue is always going to raise heated debate and disagreement but can everyone try to keep it on-topic and avoid racism, homophobia or personal insults, or we'll have to close it.

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Mod note: We've already asked you to stop the bickering and personal insults and to stay on-topic, which is about the playgroup, not the B&B owners. Obviously this kind of issue is always going to raise heated debate and disagreement but can everyone try to keep it on-topic and avoid racism, homophobia or personal insults, or we'll have to close it.


Don't want to bicker, least alone with a mod, but it's not actually a playgroup, the sun misreported it as that. Only reason I bring it up is that it is rather important and makes the suns artilce sensationalist tosh.




<<hides under stone

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Does anyone else realise that this story, unproven, based on conjecture, murky and unclear, is exactly the sort of story Murdoch's Sun and Dacre's Mail will run, for no other purpose than to set the cat among the pigeons and get the knee-jerk reactionaries baying at their leads? Nothing's proven, nothing is clear, it seems at worst a hand may be being reached out to confused and frightened people, helping the assimilate?



My hatred of Murdoch and Dacre is far stronger than any hatred I have for people born in the lamentable circumstance of not being English, but being English means you automatically support the underdog and I support the women who may use this playgroup and those who oppose helping people get used to this country and integrate successfully are traitors.


That's not hyperbole, people who whine and snivel and moan about a helping hand being reached out to those less fortunate than us are traitors to England.


Did Nelson moan and whine when we were faced with Nazi hordes?


Did Churchill complain when faced with the Armada?


No, no and thrice no, we English are famous throughout the world for our tolerance and sense of fair play, we welcome those who embrace our values and feel England can only be enhanced by those who choose to come here and enjoy the best country in the world.


I have a dream, of white girls and black girls playing with each other, let's make it happen people. What could be nicer?



Stop this stupid bickering and division, stop letting rich people tell you who your enemies are.

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