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Non -Foreign Mums banned from Foreign-only playgroups..

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Personally, I do not want to see any public funds spent on anything that favours any one particular minority group. We have a very open society, with opportunities there for all who will take them, we are an equal society and have stringent anti-discrimination laws and pro equal opportunities laws. Everybody gets a fair crack of the whip, so these groups are not needed and certainly should not get public funds.


none to help ex-cons, disabled etc , as they are minorities, if they help those people deal with society at large?

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There are probably hundreds if not thousands of small groups representing one minority or other. They operate a micro-economy and their life blood more often than not is the taxpayer.


With regards to the refugee groups, this leads to the anomoly where the government could be fighting a case to deport somebody (using public funds) and some Refugee Council will be fighting the opposing corner (also using public funds).


White British Boys are now the poorest performers in schools. Will the champions of these support organisations be as zealous to support white British boys?

there already a great many groups for under-performers. they get help on the basis of the individual. if they're not performing because of the make up of their class etc this is looked into. the groups are for kids who don't do well. to ask only white kids to go would be wrong as the groups are for poor performers.

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Sorry I should have been more specific. By minority groups I mean by race, religion, nationality. I'm sure you would agree an illness or disability could effect anybody regardless of race or religion or nationality. If you start to introduce any of these into the mix you also start to introduce inequalities.


A white disabled person might go to a disabled persons support group with their black disabled friend. They both get some help they need. If the black disabled person then has access to a special support group that only provides support to black disabled persons, which the white disabled person cannot access, then there is an inequality there and the white person is disadvantaged, which is why government should only be in the business of funding things that will provide a service to all.


you're contradicting yourself in this post, i think. on one hand, groups for disabled people(which, by nature and description, are exclusive) are ok then on the other hand the government should only give money to all inclusive groups. at least this is how i understand your post. i might be wrong.


plus your example is flawed. for these two, disability is the commonality. so they go to a group for disabled people. nothing to do with race. for the mothers at the group their commonality is being foreign, nothing to do with race. if your two friends parted, and the white kid, who for argument' sake is, German hears of a German speaking disabled group he feels he would get more help from should he not go?

this whole thing never had anything to do with race.

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you're contradicting yourself in this post, i think. on one hand, groups for disabled people(which, by nature and description, are exclusive) are ok then on the other hand the government should only give money to all inclusive groups. at least this is how i understand your post. i might be wrong.


plus your example is flawed. for these two, disability is the commonality. so they go to a group for disabled people. nothing to do with race. for the mothers at the group their commonality is being foreign, nothing to do with race. if your two friends parted, and the white kid, who for argument' sake is, German hears of a German speaking disabled group he feels he would get more help from should he not go?

this whole thing never had anything to do with race.


Yes you are right disability is nothing to do with race, yet there are special support groups that only offer help to black disabled persons. How is more difficult being a black disabled person, than being a white disabled person?

Does the colour of your skin make it moe difficult to manage getting up and down steps, do daily tasks etc. I'm just trying to make a general point here, surely all these different groups set up only to help their own, cannot aid social cohesion and integration?

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Yes you are right disability is nothing to do with race, yet there are special support groups that only offer help to black disabled persons. How is more difficult being a black disabled person, than being a white disabled person?

Does the colour of your skin make it moe difficult to manage getting up and down steps, do daily tasks etc. I'm just trying to make a general point here, surely all these different groups set up only to help their own, cannot aid social cohesion and integration?


They probably do more for social cohesion than the sniping about them achieves

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Yes you are right disability is nothing to do with race, yet there are special support groups that only offer help to black disabled persons. How is more difficult being a black disabled person, than being a white disabled person?

Does the colour of your skin make it moe difficult to manage getting up and down steps, do daily tasks etc. I'm just trying to make a general point here, surely all these different groups set up only to help their own, cannot aid social cohesion and integration?


studies in disability and mental health came up, really, in the 80s when it was realized that certain groups face added pressure because they're only second generation English and their 'old country' relatives etc don't look to disability and or mental health the same as the natives. which presented added challenges. or the added challenge of being called a 'retarded darkie', 'spaz n'''''er etc. and again, these where set up more for the social consequences of the disabilities rather than the physicality of it.

whether they're still necessary is another thing. but these are very complex issues that 'holistically' have to be seen in the context of everything the person is rather than the 'disability'. eg-ex servicemen disability groups. the disability is probably the same as a car crash etc physically but...

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