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Non -Foreign Mums banned from Foreign-only playgroups..

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360 deg out. You're assuming perfection. Any free and tolerant society should recognise that not everyone can operate on one level and certain sections of society may need specific support...even if that support is seen as a negative by the intolerant. There are many individual groups in our society which operate on specifics..and that's where it gets easy if your brain is fully functional. It doesn't take a genius to understand that barging in on any group or event and get all outraged because your 'BRITISH' isn't going to get you labelled pretty quickly as a frothy. What contribution could they have made without drawing on the groups limited resources? Maybe if these women took a crash language course in Somali and it's dialects then maybe they could be regarded as volunteers and contributed to their specific needs. As for your taxpayers penny, support groups and charities are probably more cost effective.


If we have such "stringent anti-discrimination laws" why is this group and many like them operating?


The British women did not 'barge in', they booked a place weeks in advance.

The group was not being flooded by British people, it was only these two, they could have added value to the group, they will have more knowledge of the local area and what it's like working in Britain than the new arrivals, perhaps they could have provided some informal pastoral support to the other parents.


As for why they exist, because the liberal left have insisted on identifying and catering to every possible whim of any minority.

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Yes you are right disability is nothing to do with race, yet there are special support groups that only offer help to black disabled persons. How is more difficult being a black disabled person, than being a white disabled person?

Does the colour of your skin make it moe difficult to manage getting up and down steps, do daily tasks etc. I'm just trying to make a general point here, surely all these different groups set up only to help their own, cannot aid social cohesion and integration?


black people ALSO have had a long history of racism against them in this country (and yes i know it goes the other way) so not only do black disabled people have issues with their disabillity they also tend to issues that may be a bar to other things aswell.

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The British women did not 'barge in', they booked a place weeks in advance.

The group was not being flooded by British people, it was only these two, they could have added value to the group, they will have more knowledge of the local area and what it's like working in Britain than the new arrivals, perhaps they could have provided some informal pastoral support to the other parents.


As for why they exist, because the liberal left have insisted on identifying and catering to every possible whim of any minority.


they have volunteers for that.

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they have volunteers for that.


Yes they do, but these 'support workers' or volunteers will often work at a number of location across a city or whole region and may not necessarily be local. Here they were presented with a golden opportunity for the new arrivals to meet some genuine local people that they will be living with in the locality and could have become friends with, it's a shame they turned it down :(

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Yes they do, but these 'support workers' or volunteers will often work at a number of location across a city or whole region and may not necessarily be local. Here they were presented with a golden opportunity for the new arrivals to meet some genuine local people that they will be living with in the locality and could have become friends with, it's a shame they turned it down :(


Given that the project in question are volunteer staffed I'm sure if the two mothers in the article are keen to give their time volunteering in a project to help immigrant mothers to integrate their time and assistance as volunteers would be welcomed.

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Given that the project in question are volunteer staffed I'm sure if the two mothers in the article are keen to give their time volunteering in a project to help immigrant mothers to integrate their time and assistance as volunteers would be welcomed.


as long as they go to church as it was a church run inniative?


*watches the interest wane quickly away*

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Yes they do, but these 'support workers' or volunteers will often work at a number of location across a city or whole region and may not necessarily be local. Here they were presented with a golden opportunity for the new arrivals to meet some genuine local people that they will be living with in the locality and could have become friends with, it's a shame they turned it down :(


C'mon scuba...try as an English person explaining the tax system, or even the basics of that system in Arabic. One of the failings of the English is they can't speak English never mind Cu****ic or whatever other language. Did it occur to you that after they go through the group they will probably be much better equipped to connect with the local populace anyway, and actually might be their aim? If someone dropped me in the Serengeti at night I'd much rather have an English speaker than a native speaker to get me past those prying eyes with claws. Understanding 'Run' may just save my skin.:hihi:

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C'mon scuba...try as an English person explaining the tax system, or even the basics of that system in Arabic. One of the failings of the English is they can't speak English never mind Cu****ic or whatever other language. Did it occur to you that after they go through the group they will probably be much better equipped to connect with the local populace anyway, and actually might be their aim? If someone dropped me in the Serengeti at night I'd much rather have an English speaker than a native speaker to get me past those prying eyes with claws. Understanding 'Run' may just save my skin.:hihi:


Don't explain the British tax system in Arabic. Teach them English then explain it in English. People come to the UK from all over the world speaking hundreds of languages. It should not be the obligation of government to provide funding so that all services can be delivered in an ever growing numbers of languages. The onus should be squarely with the migrant to learn English. The government should be obliged though, to help them learn English, as that will help them integrate and help all people access services in a single common language.


I'm not against the group in the article, particularly if it gives them language or other skills to enable integration. I just think it was a poor decision to turn away just two people and their children.

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