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Will Mumsnet rule Britain?

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They do appear to have an inordinate amount of clout with the media based solely on their shared qualification; That they've all managed to expel their wretched crotch fruit in to the world and appear to be raising them to term (all with My Bloody Valentine levels of emo whining).


I see no reason why I should pay any heed to a bunch of screeching, reactionary harpies who believe that the world should kowtow to the self defecating, shrieking and vomiting product of their sweaty rutting.


I will be using this in the future-brilliant:hihi:

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  • 10 months later...
They do appear to have an inordinate amount of clout with the media based solely on their shared qualification; That they've all managed to expel their wretched crotch fruit in to the world and appear to be raising them to term (all with My Bloody Valentine levels of emo whining).


I see no reason why I should pay any heed to a bunch of screeching, reactionary harpies who believe that the world should kowtow to the self defecating, shrieking and vomiting product of their sweaty rutting.


I wouldn't have put it quite like that, but you're right!:D


Giving birth qualifies mothers for precisely nothing. Not even parenting. It certainly doesn't give the mother any more right than anyone else to have their views heard or acted upon.


Ah someone after my own heart.


Note to mums, you do not deserve congratulations for dropping a sprog! No-one else cares!


Aah, I am not alone!


I love the term crotch fruit. I'm going to tell my sister-in-law that one (she's just had a baby). I will try and keep them all grounded in reality too!

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I hate the acronyms DH DD etc. And the fact that they have a section for 'am I being unreasonable...' To which the reply always seems to be 'of course not dear, you are completely in your right to breast feed your 27 year old son' rather than 'yes you are a frigging loony love who needs to be put down'

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