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Why did coal imports double between 1997 and 2007?

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The Tories closed the industry down in an act of class war, against its own people.




We are a net importer of gas though. More than half of our gas comes from overseas.


Some might argue that we sold our energy security down the river when the pits were closed. We could have used the coal to generate electricity and kept the gas for other purposes. We are about to enter into a "relationship" with Gazprom which should to cause everyone concern.


Still... that showed Scargill.


But why did 2/3 of the remaining pits close under Labour if these were the ones that even Maggie had deemed viable.

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Coal we used to produce ourselves....


At a loss, both then and now.


UK Coal announces 2009 financial losses


UK Coal losses grow along with debts


UK Coal plans land sale as losses deepen


And this despite the increased cost of fuel.



The coal industry & the fishing industry where horse-traded in the EU, probably in exchange for keeping our financial sector.


Evidence? Citations? Links?



Theres plenty of coal in Britain ..


How much exactly? Links?



But surely there's no defence for shutting down pits just because they aren't economically viable.


If a pit is losing money, it needs to be subsidized. The coal industry is no longer a nationalized industry and UK Coal are not a charity. They're losing enough money as it is (see my links above)


North Sea Gas hasn't run out. We still generate half our electricity using the stuff, and my gas fire still works OK.


Britain 'was four days away from running out of gas during February's cold snap' [2009]


The amount of hyperbole, disinformation and misinformation on this thread is astonishing.


No wonder Churchill once said: "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter".

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Britain 'was four days away from running out of gas during February's cold snap' [2009]


The amount of hyperbole, disinformation and misinformation on this thread is astonishing.


No wonder Churchill once said: "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter".


Thats nothing to do with the North Sea running out of gas. That story relates to the amount of gas stored on land for immediate useage.:loopy:


The amount of hyperbole, disinformation and misinformation on this thread is astonishing. No wonder Churchill once said: "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter".

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If a pit is losing money, it needs to be subsidized. The coal industry is no longer a nationalized industry and UK Coal are not a charity. They're losing enough money as it is (see my links above)




Indeed they do. As do Nuclear Power stations. I've not seen an analysis of the profitability of wind farms, but I guess that they don't break even either.


Surely our energy security is more important than profit. We've got at least 400 000 000 tonnes of the stuff under our feet. Yet we are in the process of mortgaging our future to the whims of Gazprom and similar companies. That seems crazy to me.

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