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From the straightlaced Financial Times of all places.




Balls firepower could make Tories squirm


By James Boxell


Published: January 20 2011 18:40 | Last updated: January 20 2011 18:40


When Ed Balls was given the job of shadowing Theresa May as home secretary, the groans from her advisers in Whitehall were audible.


While Ms May is no doubt delighted that she will no longer have to face this formidable political operator across the dispatch box, George Osborne will be less thrilled.

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Balls is a nasty piece of work and not half as bright as he thinks he is. The only difference between him and Alan Johnson in terms of their understanding of economics is that Johnson knew nothing about the subject and virtually admitted it, whereas Balls thinks he understands it but doesn't. I look forward to him blinking his way through expositions of 'post-neoclassical endogenous growth theory' in parliament. There could hardly be a better example of jargon camouflaging ignorance and stupidity.

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From the straightlaced Financial Times of all places.




Balls firepower could make Tories squirm


By James Boxell


Published: January 20 2011 18:40 | Last updated: January 20 2011 18:40


When Ed Balls was given the job of shadowing Theresa May as home secretary, the groans from her advisers in Whitehall were audible.


While Ms May is no doubt delighted that she will no longer have to face this formidable political operator across the dispatch box, George Osborne will be less thrilled.



How about "Labour's economic policy is now totally Balls".

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