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Has anyone won a prize from a competition

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a few years ago at Gala bingo i got to 40 numbers & wanted 1 number for £90.000 national game, i didnt even win the house. i always had the same numbers on the lottery & one week i spotted the daily play had all my numbers, i dont do daily! but i did once win a bottle of brandy or whiskey not sure as i had just started work & won it in the xmas raffle, still my dad enjoyed it bless him. that was in 1960.

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I've also won a Boing 747 with pilot (John Travolta in this particular case) for a year. Doesn't really count though as Stevie 'boy' fixed it for me.

Still ... my parents were pretty impressed on their saturday morning jaunts to Tesco! (unlike the flattened cars in the customer car park, AKA the landing pad) ... such simple fun! :)

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We have won loads over the years. Entering competitions used to be a hobby of mine, but don't bother much these days.


My earliest win was a colour telly (or i could have the cash £230, which i did chose). that was in 1971 - so it was a lot of money in those days, and went towards the deposit on my first house. I went to a presentation in Lincoln in a hotel, and they paid travelling expenses and had a lovely meal. My picture was in the local paper as well.


In 1981 I entered a competition on a beer mat, in which we had to predict where the darts would fall on a future game between 2 famous dart players. we were invited to the game in London, (we didnt go, as got a new baby), but we still won £200.


I entered a competition in the Argos catalogue, round about 1990, an won £1000 worth of vouchers. By the time the prize came, i had even forgotten i had entered it, and the vouchers just came by recorded delivery, with no warning. It was brilliant, and a lovely surprise. We bought a new telly, new beds for the kids, loads of presents for people, and still had a few left which we swapped with someone for John Lewis vouchers, so was able to get some treats too.


We have also won lots of little prizes, cds and stuff, and i nearly always win on a tombola!


Not won the lottery yet though!:hihi:

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