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Bomb found in Washington..

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I think you might find that they would take issue with that claim! :roll:


John X


I think you might find I consider people who use the rolly eyes smiley are a bit up their own arse and think they're superior, but hey ho, that's life.

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Rubbish! Timothy McVeigh the Oklahoma City bomber was described as a terrorist and he was as white as snow as was his accomplice Nicholls.


A very murky case !


McVeigh making phone calls from sites hundreds of miles apart during the same hour.


The FBI/ATF denying any knowledge of Carol Howe only to admit later that she had been an informant.

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Don't white people attend the parade for Martin Luther King Day?


They certainly do and would probably be classed as "race traitors" by those who, in all likleyhood planted this bomb.


If I were in the US, I would be proud to attend a MLK Day parade. Probably not in Spokane, WA though. The city is nice enough, but it is pretty much surrounded by hillbillys for 300 miles in any direction.

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And neither does the OP in that case.


How many millions of white folk voted for a black president in the USA?


Could Obama even have got on a ballot paper if he'd been living in Pakistan?


Could Obama even have got on a ballot paper if he'd been living in Pakistan?

i don't know.

How many millions of white folk voted for a black president in the USA?

many. he won because of them. but we can't disregard that there is a whole raft of white people(stupid ones, granted.) that said they would want rid. and his election has made race relations worse in some parts.

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If I were in the US, I would be proud to attend a MLK Day parade.



He got my vote, Malcom X, probably not, but if it was to send a message of solidarity and unity, then yeah.


EDIT: If that's not clear, yes i'd be proud to take part of MLK Day Parade!

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Could Obama even have got on a ballot paper if he'd been living in Pakistan?

i don't know.

How many millions of white folk voted for a black president in the USA?

many. he won because of them. but we can't disregard that there is a whole raft of white people(stupid ones, granted.) that said they would want rid. and his election has made race relations worse in some parts.



When will Britain have a non-white Prime Minister? Why criticize when not only Britain but every other country in Europe does not nor ever had a non white leader.

There are enough Muslims in Europe who are second or third generation European born. Arent any of them in politics or is that against their religion?

Your comment about Obama and Pakistan is just plain stupid

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When will Britain have a non-white Prime Minister? Why criticize when not only Britain but every other country in Europe does not nor ever had a non white leader.

There are enough Muslims in Europe who are second or third generation European born. Arent any of them in politics or is that against their religion?

Your comment about Obama and Pakistan is just plain stupid


hmm? why am i criticizing? obama's inauguration was one of the most meaningful world events of my life. i was surprised but proud of the Americans. but even the FBI and the secret service is on alert for white supremacist to try something.

which comment about obama and Pakistan?

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Could Obama even have got on a ballot paper if he'd been living in Pakistan?

i don't know.

How many millions of white folk voted for a black president in the USA?

many. he won because of them. but we can't disregard that there is a whole raft of white people(stupid ones, granted.) that said they would want rid. and his election has made race relations worse in some parts.


Before the election I believed Obama to be the best (of an admittedly bad bunch) candidate. Obama made it clear that he was going to put an end to the power of the special interest lobby groups.


He then submitted himself to humbling prostration before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, you could have been forgiven for thinking that he was seeking nomination for the Israeli Presidency.


He won, the lobby groups are as powerful now as ever before, another Politician another liar.


Black Americans proved as gullible as their white counterparts, believing that a rich black president would change things for the better, they should have realised that the previous 42 rich white presidents did damn all to improve the lives of poor white Americans.

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hmm? why am i criticizing? obama's inauguration was one of the most meaningful world events of my life. i was surprised but proud of the Americans. but even the FBI and the secret service is on alert for white supremacist to try something.

which comment about obama and Pakistan?


Not necessarily white supremacists. Presidents Lincoln, McKinley, Garfield and Kennedy were assassinated by people violently opposed to their political views and the attempted assassination of Reagan by a complete nutter without any plausible motive whatsoever.

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He then submitted himself to humbling prostration before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, you could have been forgiven for thinking that he was seeking nomination for the Israeli Presidency.


You really don't like the Jews do you! :suspect:


John X

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