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Bomb found in Washington..

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Before the election I believed Obama to be the best (of an admittedly bad bunch) candidate. Obama made it clear that he was going to put an end to the power of the special interest lobby groups.


He then submitted himself to humbling prostration before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, you could have been forgiven for thinking that he was seeking nomination for the Israeli Presidency.


He won, the lobby groups are as powerful now as ever before, another Politician another liar.


Black Americans proved as gullible as their white counterparts, believing that a rich black president would change things for the better, they should have realised that the previous 42 rich white presidents did damn all to improve the lives of poor white Americans.



Obama inherited a huge mess from George Bush, an economy that was in the worst recession since the Great Depression and two wars that were draining the US treasury and costing thousands of young American lives.


I believe that what he did, distastful as it was (by bailing out the banks and lending institutions to the tune of 700 billions of taxpayers money) was the only thing to be done. Had these banks and lending institutions collapsed then we could well have had milions more unemployed and gone from a recession into a second depression.

The Republicans flayed him for this but the problem with the Republicans is that they never have an alternative plan. Right now tney have voted to repeal Obama's health plan but have no plan of their own to provide medical coverage for the 30 million Americans without it.

The Republicans are a party of obstructionists especially in Obama's case.

They have every intention of making him a one term president which means that from now until 2012 nothing will be done in Congress. A sad situation


The economy is now showing sign of improving and unbelievably the Republicans are trying to take credit for it although all they've done is oppose Obama on everything since he took office.

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Not necessarily white supremacists. Presidents Lincoln, McKinley, Garfield and Kennedy were assassinated by people violently opposed to their political views and the attempted assassination of Reagan by a complete nutter without any plausible motive whatsoever.


this time they( the white supremacists) did say they'd get him coz 'you can't have no black man in the white house. i think their threat is near to nil, but worth the vigilance anyway.

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Not trying to go off-topic or anything but didn't the white racists warn Obama that he wouldn't last a week as President without someone assassinating him?


And them with so many guns as well! :roll:


John X


Any references?


You have no idea how 'The Great Game' is played do you?


Should Obama ever make the mistake of believing that he really does have any real independent power in shaping US Policy and should he compound that mistake by attempting to actually change Policy to the detriment of the lobbies that have bought and paid for him, he will then suffer, if he is lucky he will face a long campaign undermining him in the media.


Truths, half truths and downright lies will plague him, the campaign will be based on information gathered and saved for a rainy day long before he was elected.


Honest Politicians are extremely dangerous to those pulling the strings and paying the graft.


If he is unlucky, he will be JFK'ed, A 'White Supremacist' will be caught or shot holding the smoking gun or with the remote controlled detonator in his hand.


Post assassination, the dead white zealot will be shown to have moved from one militia group to another, he will have an history, receipts for explosive materials and or weapons will be found.


What the Public will never know of course is that in all likelihood, he will have been spotted by the US equivalent of the deep cover secret police types that have been exposed in this country as infiltrating groups that the State fears.


He will have been approached by someone that he is convinced is a leader of the sort of group he would like to join.


He will be encouraged and aided to develop and acquire the means to prosecute what he sees as a revolutionary act.


He won't know that the undercover cop talent spotted him as being the vulnerable type that can be exploited.

He won't know that his new mentor, although he has a history in the 'Organisation' or 'Movement', has been turned by being bought off or protected from prosecution for a serious offence or even by being threatened with exposure of some dark indiscretion.

He won't know his mentor, is one or two steps from the Security Officer pulling the strings.


The day of reckoning comes, President is JFK'ed, Dupe is caught red-handed believing that events are his own work for his own cause right up to the moment of his death, even if that death precedes arrest.


Cui bono.

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Any references?


You have no idea how 'The Great Game' is played do you?


Should Obama ever make the mistake of believing that he really does have any real independent power in shaping US Policy and should he compound that mistake by attempting to actually change Policy to the detriment of the lobbies that have bought and paid for him, he will then suffer, if he is lucky he will face a long campaign undermining him in the media.


Truths, half truths and downright lies will plague him, the campaign will be based on information gathered and saved for a rainy day long before he was elected.


Honest Politicians are extremely dangerous to those pulling the strings and paying the graft.


If he is unlucky, he will be JFK'ed, A 'White Supremacist' will be caught or shot holding the smoking gun or with the remote controlled detonator in his hand.


Post assassination, the dead white zealot will be shown to have moved from one militia group to another, he will have an history, receipts for explosive materials and or weapons will be found.


What the Public will never know of course is that in all likelihood, he will have been spotted by the US equivalent of the deep cover secret police types that have been exposed in this country as infiltrating groups that the State fears.


He will have been approached by someone that he is convinced is a leader of the sort of group he would like to join.


He will be encouraged and aided to develop and acquire the means to prosecute what he sees as a revolutionary act.


He won't know that the undercover cop talent spotted him as being the vulnerable type that can be exploited.

He won't know that his new mentor, although he has a history in the 'Organisation' or 'Movement', has been turned by being bought off or protected from prosecution for a serious offence or even by being threatened with exposure of some dark indiscretion.

He won't know his mentor, is one or two steps from the Security Officer pulling the strings.


The day of reckoning comes, President is JFK'ed, Dupe is caught red-handed believing that events are his own work for his own cause right up to the moment of his death, even if that death precedes arrest.


Cui bono.


I think you're giving the white supremacist groups far more credit than they deserve.

For the most part they're a bunch of tattooed stupid, semi-literate rural hicks who couldnt organize a beer party in a brewery.

Many of their leaders are doing long stretches in prison also.


On the topic of governments. Are people in Britain any better off under their government? What did 15 years of Labour do for the British voter?

What's the current unemployment rate in Sheffield? On the subject of stupid if an election were to be held tomorrow 80 percent of Sheffield voters would vote Labour back in office. There would be five more years of borrowing and spending, fiscal irresponsibilty and mismanagement. Britain woul be in an even bigger hole than ever by the time their 5 years was up.

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