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Bomb found in Washington..

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I'm not really sure what point you are attempting to make here. The report doesn't say who planted the bomb. It merely contains speculation that they were "home grown".

But even allowing for the speculation being correct the muslim population of the USA is lager than that of Lybia, Lebanoon and Palestine, all of which seem to produce their share of terrorists. So I think you might have waited for a few facts to emerge before setting off on your rant.


You should perhaps reflect on this...The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses. Malcolm X


Errm did itnot mention neo nazis?

*rubs eyes*

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You sound racist!


Well I'm not- I made case point that when it comes anything related to (and sometimes not even connected) the media goes into overdrive to point fingers at Islam/muslims.


What is also worth noting, an FBI report that can be viewed here when analysed shows exactly the opposite of what is perceived by so many.


I've done the homework (but you can scroll down to bottom of their report) to show that the acts of terrorism (by group) looks like this:


Latino 42%

Extreme Left wing 24%

Jewish Extremists 7%

Islamist 6%

Communists 5%


So one can question and wonder why Islam gets so much publicity!

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Yes but SKY only report if it's 'brown people', according to the OP.


Or do they?


Sky News: Neo-Nazi Jailed For Racist Bomb Plot

Sky News: Nail Bomber 'Must Serve 50 Years'


OK so these are UK homegrown terrorists. Sky News doesn't return many results for US homegrown terrorists, which makes sense because it's a British news channel, so homegrown would generally mean UK citizens. So let's look at their sister channel in the USA, Fox News.


Attorney general worries about home-grown terror




OP proved comprehensively wrong me thinks :)


I was refering to 'they' as most of American media- and also, I have been on sky's newspage this morning and nothing was found of this story.


Its blindly obvious why.

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Well I'm not- I made case point that when it comes anything related to (and sometimes not even connected) the media goes into overdrive to point fingers at Islam/muslims.


What is also worth noting, an FBI report that can be viewed here when analysed shows exactly the opposite of what is perceived by so many.


I've done the homework (but you can scroll down to bottom of their report) to show that the acts of terrorism (by group) looks like this:


Latino 42%

Extreme Left wing 24%

Jewish Extremists 7%

Islamist 6%

Communists 5%


So one can question and wonder why Islam gets so much publicity!


I've seen that site when it was linked to from another thread before. The list only runs to 2005, and includes things like bank robbery.

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Well I'm not- I made case point that when it comes anything related to (and sometimes not even connected) the media goes into overdrive to point fingers at Islam/muslims.


What is also worth noting, an FBI report that can be viewed here when analysed shows exactly the opposite of what is perceived by so many.


I've done the homework (but you can scroll down to bottom of their report) to show that the acts of terrorism (by group) looks like this:


Latino 42%

Extreme Left wing 24%

Jewish Extremists 7%

Islamist 6%

Communists 5%


So one can question and wonder why Islam gets so much publicity!


I have looked at this report but can't see where these statistics come from. Please enlighten me.

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