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Memories Of the Old Rag & Tag Market


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Agree with everything you say, wonderful, the boiled sweet stall and the pet shop down the alley at the side, I had a saturday job on one of the record stalls, had the option of being paid ten bob or pay in records, course being young and green i chose records but happy days


Was it Bill Cannon who owned the record stall ?

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Granelli's cafe where they sold stewed tea in pint mugs. Ogley's pet store with its barn-like interior - earth floor and cages of puppies, kittens, rabbits, and guinea pigs stacked around the perimeter. Hawkers yelling out racy come-ons to whoever happened to be around. "Come o'er ere an feel me nice, juicy plums, missis." Great atmosphere.


I have a 1924 map in which the pet store area where they sold the animals is marked down as the fish market....

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I bought a curiosity off Patnicks stall. It was a little long boxwood box with a sliding lid. Inside were a number of dice (maybe 6). On the dice instead of numbers, were pictures of playing cards. I had them for years, never new how to play the game and eventually they were lost. Any ideas what they were?

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I have a 1924 map in which the pet store area where they sold the animals is marked down as the fish market....


There are some pictures of the market on the link in the post above. One shows the old fish market, another is a picture of Marks & Sparks stall in the old market hall form around 1900.

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I bought a curiosity off Patnicks stall. It was a little long boxwood box with a sliding lid. Inside were a number of dice (maybe 6). On the dice instead of numbers, were pictures of playing cards. I had them for years, never new how to play the game and eventually they were lost. Any ideas what they were?


They were poker dice. You played a game similar to Yahtzee with them. (Yahtzee's scoring is basically poker)

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There are some pictures of the market on the link in the post above. One shows the old fish market, another is a picture of Marks & Sparks stall in the old market hall form around 1900.


In the map the fish market is an L shaped building with one arm on Shude hill and the other inside the market.

I could well be wrong here but my memory of the pets building is of a long Barn type building not L shaped.

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I remember the Rag & Tag with fond memories, going round there with my late mum, on Saturday afternoon, or Friday when I wasn't at school. It seemed to go on for ever, and when we had had a good walk round, call at Granellis for a cupper. Just read a book called The Potty Edwards What a way to get a living, by Michele Lockwood-Edwards. It's all about the Edwards pots stall. I try to explain to my daughter what it was like in the Rag and Tag, but somehowthe magic gets lost in translation. I can still taste those sweet fishes!!! Ohhh happy days - gone forever

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I remember the Rag & Tag with fond memories, going round there with my late mum, on Saturday afternoon, or Friday when I wasn't at school. It seemed to go on for ever, and when we had had a good walk round, call at Granellis for a cupper. Just read a book called The Potty Edwards What a way to get a living, by Michele Lockwood-Edwards. It's all about the Edwards pots stall. I try to explain to my daughter what it was like in the Rag and Tag, but somehowthe magic gets lost in translation. I can still taste those sweet fishes!!! Ohhh happy days - gone forever


The historical Market area will soon have gone forever if the so called town planners get there way and shift it to the very bottom of the Moor.

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The historical Market area will soon have gone forever if the so called town planners get there way and shift it to the very bottom of the Moor.


But, what is the historical Market area? A 1905 map shows no market where Castle Market is. It is titled "Sheffield Castle" and appears to show a number of shops on it. Slaughter houses just outside of the Castle site down by Lady's Bridge. The old Sheaf rag & tag market is clearly labelled with Castlefolds Market directly opposite it. Then there's the Norfolk Market Hall bordered by Dixon Lane and Exchange Street. Fitzalan Market Hall is where C & A (now a different store) was. Then, there was Smithfield Market bordered by Blonk St and Victoria Station Rd. Also, there was the Corn Exchange, bordered by Broad St and Sheaf St.


Conclusion? Yes, that end of town is where the old market areas were situated, but they didn't include where Castle Market now sits. All the old market areas have already been built over. By moving Castle Market, the old Sheffield Castle remains, dating back to the 13th century, can be featured.

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