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Call of Duty + men

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I don't think it's just men, my 15 year old daughter came downstairs all giddy last night because she came top of the league table, then gave a five minute rant about how she just whupped her male school friends.


I once sat and watched her "quickscope" her way through a Rust map. WTF I says and she educates me on quickscoping with a sniper rife.

She's a true CoDBOFF, her daily routine is to come home, do her homework, then spend all night glued to the x-box, chatting to her friends.

She takes a twisted pleasure in being the 2010 Prom Queen that humiliates the lads at MW2.

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lol how can a game be 'chav'?


When it's targeted at and successful with that demographic? In America its associated strongly with 'frat boys' for example.


It's certainly more 'chav' than a strategy game or even the more tactical shooters. Its still a good game though. There's a certain breed of elitist gamer who look down on Call of Duty players.

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When it's targeted at and successful with that demographic? In America its associated strongly with 'frat boys' for example.


It's certainly more 'chav' than a strategy game or even the more tactical shooters. Its still a good game though. There's a certain breed of elitist gamer who look down on Call of Duty players.


United offensive used to be a pretty decent game, until it got invaded by hoardes of kiddies (anyone under 20) who ran around like headless chickens and couldn't shoot anyone unless they were about two feet away.


Not only that, look that the latest COD games, the maps are tiny, you have multiplayer enemies spawning on top of you, you have big messages popping up in front of you obscuring the view, people heal when they get shot without having to pick up health kits etc (That said people are lucky if they don't lose a life within 20 seconds of spawning), crappy unlockable weapons (What's that all about?) It's truly horrendous what they've done to COD, they've just turned it into Doom.

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Guys whos play this, either a) dont have a girlfriend, b) have no friends, c) have friends but doesnt like doing real things like leaving the house.


Dont get me wrong, I like to play the odd game from time to time. But i dont get where this obsession for this game has come from..


I am usually happy with a few beers and a colouring book.

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