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Is loyalty to the crown a pre-requisite to being a worthwhile citizen?

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Maybe worthwhile is the wrong word, citizen certainly is since technically we are all subjects.


Do you have to be loyal to the royal family to be properly British?


Seems daft to me, I couldn't care less about them and consider them out-dated, a bit embarrassing and slightly laughable.


The Queen has done an amazing job and seen off twenty or so Prime Ministers (including Thatcher who she couldn't stand, which means she can't be all bad!) but really, this is the 21st century, should we really prostrate ourselves beneath people who's position in society is down to an accident of birth?


Is it possible for a republican to be a... what's the word..."proper" British person?

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Loyalty to the Crown is more about loyalty to the country, the monarch is head of state and thus represents the country.


As you said we've been lucky to have a fantastic head of state in HM the Queen and while she's around debating republicanism is like debating when Liverpool will next win the Champions League, completely theoretical and fairly pointless. If we end up with a bad monarch, then who knows what may happen, but while we have a fine figurehead for the country repulicanism will have to bite it's tongue and wait it's turn.

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Many, many years ago I swore an oath of allegience to the Crown which I still hold sacred today. Like it or not our monarch is the head of our parliament and by Christ, she will have my respect.


I'm not advocating kowtowing to a royal motorcade but what I am saying is that HM Elizabeth II is a figurehead of an ideal which is slowly being eroded by shifty eyed, slippery sons of bitches such as every god damned government for the last 50 years.


I hardly subscribe to the spirit of 'dulce et decorum est' but I do respect my monarch.

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Many, many years ago I swore an oath of allegience to the Crown which I still hold sacred today. Like it or not our monarch is the head of our parliament and by Christ, she will have my respect.


I'm not advocating kowtowing to a royal motorcade but what I am saying is that HM Elizabeth II is a figurehead of an ideal which is slowly being eroded by shifty eyed, slippery sons of bitches such as every god damned government for the last 50 years.


I hardly subscribe to the spirit of 'dulce et decorum est' but I do respect my monarch.


gotta love those politicians!

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Many, many years ago I swore an oath of allegience to the Crown which I still hold sacred today. Like it or not our monarch is the head of our parliament and by Christ, she will have my respect.



She'd have even more respect if she popped in there occasionally and scutched some of the idiots round the ear 'ole.:hihi:

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God no! I am an extremely worthwhile citizen of this thing we call a civilised society and I am firmly anti-royalist. Repatriation to Prussia for the Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha family would be my ideal for these sponging scrotes. Lets see if again an opinionated but not unreasonable post is pulled by the mods as a third of my contributions are?

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My allegiance is to the working people of this country, whatever their parentage and ethnicity.


If the interests of the working people of this country were best served by an act of treason against the crown, then so be it.


Does that make me more or less patriotic?

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