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Is loyalty to the crown a pre-requisite to being a worthwhile citizen?

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The reigning British monarch has always been recognized in Canada as their monarch also


I don't think that Canada existed during Queen Elizabeth's I reign.


I know that some Scottish people consider the current Queen to be Queen Elizabeth I as Henry VIII's daughter wasn't queen of Scotland, they had their own Monarch at that time.

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I don't think that Canada existed during Queen Elizabeth's I reign.


I know that some Scottish people consider the current Queen to be Queen Elizabeth I as Henry VIII's daughter wasn't queen of Scotland, they had their own Monarch at that time.


However as per the link to the Canadian government that I provided the Canadians do call their monarch Queen Elizabeth II. Evidently the protocol is to use the name that the British monarch uses, regardless of when they became a British colony.

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I don't think that Canada existed during Queen Elizabeth's I reign.


I know that some Scottish people consider the current Queen to be Queen Elizabeth I as Henry VIII's daughter wasn't queen of Scotland, they had their own Monarch at that time.


That would have been Queen Mary Stuart. The poor lass had her head lopped off as England's Queen Elizabeth had good reason to suspect that Mary Stuart aided by Catholic supporteres in Scotland and many Catholics in England had designs on the English throne also


The settlers living in Canada at the time of the American revolution chose to remain loyal to King George III. After the territorial boundaries were agreed between the new American republic and what was British adminstered Canada the articles of Canadian confederation which became effective in 1867 established the parliamentary system modeled on the Britsh one with Ottawa designated the Federal capital and a Prime Minister as head of government. The articles acknowledged all current reigning British monarchs as being recognized as the monarch of Canada also

The Canadian military also copied the British military in designating it's branches with the term "Royal" such as the Royal Canadian Air Force, Royal Canadian Navy etc.

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However as per the link to the Canadian government that I provided the Canadians do call their monarch Queen Elizabeth II. Evidently the protocol is to use the name that the British monarch uses, regardless of when they became a British colony.


It must be those pesky Scots stirring up trouble then.

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The Canadian flag up until sometime in the mid 1960s had the Union Jack as part of the flag. When Lester Pearson became Canadian Prime Minister the flag was redesigned to become the red and white tricolor with the maple leaf insignia instead.

A lot of Canadians were royally p****d off contemptuously referring to it as "Pearson's Penant"

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You wont win favor with the republicans making remarks like that. If they had their way they'd like to see England become just another run of the mill country with no pride of traditions, ceremony or color and more than likely some (nominally) radical socialist prat as president living in high style and splendor in the designated presidential palace.

Wonder how long it wiould be before the president started to make moves to move into the vacated Buckingham palace.


Some Russian billionaire will have bought it first.Let the rest bid for Windsor,Balmoral,Sandringham,Highgrove,Clarence House and all the other properties.It might solve the debt problem.

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Some Russian billionaire will have bought it first.Let the rest bid for Windsor,Balmoral,Sandringham,Highgrove,Clarence House and all the other properties.It might solve the debt problem.


A Russian buying Buck House? More like just another rich Saudi oil sheikh

Selling the rest of the royal residences wouldn't even put a dent in the national debt

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