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Anyone ever used The Princes Trust?

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Hi people,

I've been thinking of ways that i could get off benefits and work. The job centre are no help as they just keep putting me on new benefits etc.


I loved when I was DJing as Ilove music but I only did it small time more as a hobby for charity events etc. I've now lost the equipment which I borrowed from the youth centre for helping out etc.


Well I'd like to start off as a regular DJ to get off benefits and start my own business but need to get my own gear etc which obviously I can't afford. I've been looking at the Princes Trust and was thinking maybe they would help me. I can prove to them I could get the work and I have customer feedback from when I DJed for various parties. All I'd need is help setting up at first


Has anyone ever tried the Princes Trust? if so how difficuilt was it to get a grant?

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i got the grant and i found it pretty easy tbh, as long as you can sell yourself ul be fine, i also got help from big bsiness and i think it was senta which is chamber of comerce.


if you work with all 3 you will get quite a decent bit of money to set up and help with business plans etc.

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I have a friend who set a photography business up about a decade ago with a grant from the Prince's Trust and they were extremely good and she is now quite successful.


Is there anybody you could ask to help you with looking at the business plan? If not a relative or friend maybe you could ask somebody at Connexions to give you a few pointers.


I also know someone who is quite successful DJ now and he got his start doing illegal raves and free parties....but perhaps I shouldn't encourage you to do that!! :D :D

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