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Al Qaeda

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So another outrage in Turkey, beatifull young soldiers being slaughtered in Iraq day after day, innocent men women and children bown to bits all over the World, how much longer can this state of affairs be allowed to continue? We and the rest of the World are being held to ransom by these murdering evil scum who hide their depravity behind a cloak of religious respectability.


There is only one solution to this problem, target the mountain area between Afganistan and Pakistan where Osama Bin Laden is hiding and blast it with nuclear megton bombs to get rid of this hate filled insane psycotic once and for all before the whole World descends into the battle of Armaggeden and that will be the end.


Wilst the World allows him to dictate his terms and leaves the initiative to him, everyone in the world is living in fear. We must have the courage to do something about Bin Laden NOW!!!!

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Unfortunately Bush and Blair are too busy getting their collective underwear in a knot about Iraq at the moment to pay attention to Al Qaida....


Pfft... Bush and Blair, sitting in a tree...

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Helevan, prepare yourself for a backlash of major proportions from all the loonie lefties..... sorry, better make that intelliegent people who know better than we do, actually.


Nuke terrorists! How dare you? Better for them to carry on murdering innocent people as most of these are from the lower social orders and expendable.

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Originally posted by halevan

So another outrage in Turkey, beatifull young soldiers being slaughtered in Iraq day after day, innocent men women and children bown to bits all over the World, how much longer can this state of affairs be allowed to continue? We and the rest of the World are being held to ransom by these murdering evil scum who hide their depravity behind a cloak of religious respectability.


There is only one solution to this problem, target the mountain area between Afganistan and Pakistan where Osama Bin Laden is hiding and blast it with nuclear megton bombs to get rid of this hate filled insane psycotic once and for all before the whole World descends into the battle of Armaggeden and that will be the end.


Wilst the World allows him to dictate his terms and leaves the initiative to him, everyone in the world is living in fear. We must have the courage to do something about Bin Laden NOW!!!!


Whist I have no time for terror tactics at all, it seems to me that you could well be a speech-writer for George Bush or Jack Straw.


In my view, the biggest threat to any kind of world peace is George Bush and his cohorts.

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Originally posted by Carlwarker

Whist I have no time for terror tactics at all, it seems to me that you could well be a speech-writer for George Bush or Jack Straw.

There you are Halevan. Has that put you in your place or what? I think they missed out the bit about you being a racist, but that'll come soon no doubt!!

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Originally posted by Carlwarker

ps. Again, in my view, anyone who advocates the dropping of nuclear bombs, of any size, is, by definition insane.


Well, of course, that goes without saying. Terrorists, on the other hand, are completely sane.

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Originally posted by Houdi

There you are Halevan. Has that put you in your place or what? I think they missed out the bit about you being a racist, but that'll come soon no doubt!!


I am not a 'they'. If you bothered to read individual posts, before jumping in with both feet, you'd realise that I, for one, have my OWN views on topics - sometimes they co-incide with others and sometimes they don't. If you'd ever lived in a war zone, or had the experience of 'being bombed' - then you wouldn't be in such a hurry to wish it upon others. I suspect that the nearest you've been to 'being bombed' is coming from the local pub.

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Originally posted by Carlwarker


In my view, the biggest threat to any kind of world peace is George Bush and his cohorts.


Definitely. Any man that tries to rid the world of terrorism is clearly a big threat to the civilised world, obviously more so than all of the terrorists and dictators put together. He should learn to not stand up to bullying terror tactics and pray that they then leave the Western world alone.

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