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Are the police and CPS scared of Murdoch?

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There has been a curious reluctance by the police and the CPS to pursue the ample evidence - which the police themselves gathered - that the illegal phone hacking at the News of the World definitely involved more than a few people and may well have gone right up the chain of command.


The fact that the police and CPS have been sitting on this evidence has only become public knowledge through a series of successful private prosecutions against Rupert Murdoch's News International empire. But why are they so reluctant to do their job?


It has been suggested by Adam Price MP that the Parliamentary Committe of investigation into the affair - on which he sat - had failed to do its job properly because of fears that News International Corp would, he said: "go for us". I think he hit the nail on the head.


The huge resources and ability of the Murdoch empire to dig into the past and destroy reputations would certainly explain across the broad reluctance of the authorities to properly investigate and prosecute what is looking increasingly to have been widespread criminal behaviour within the News of the World.

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The government are definitely scared of the Murdoch news empire - remember the S*n boasts about backing the winning party at each election.


And as for the Police, they use Murdoch's services from time to time... usually for the purposes of character assassination :)



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The Sun does a lot of market research, and backs the party it know's is going to win, rather than backing a party and convincing the electorate. It works pretty well, they've got it right every time since the 1970's I think.

This is the problem with the news being owned by massive great corporations with their own interests, they have a lot of power and influence.

I really hope that two or three of the victims of this phone hacking thing refuse to be paid off, and have their day in court, might bring them down a peg or two. Would be lovely for them to have a taste of their own medicine once all the details are in the public domain

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I really hope that two or three of the victims of this phone hacking thing refuse to be paid off, and have their day in court, might bring them down a peg or two. Would be lovely for them to have a taste of their own medicine once all the details are in the public domain


Probably the best thing that could come out of this is it might stop Murdoch's complete take over of Sky.


It is fundamentally wrong in a supposed democracy, that the only reason that he may be stopped is because of opposition from the portion of the media not under his control, which was only made possible because of the balatant cirminal activities of some of his employees. Interestingly, when it was found out that Vince Cable opposed Murdoch's Sky bid, Cable received as much media attention and vilification as the criminal phone hackers in Murdoch's employ have.


All this points top one thing. Murdoch and his empire weald way too much power for a non elected body, yet he is clearly intent on acquiring more, if allowed to.

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Probably the best thing that could come out of this is it might stop Murdoch's complete take over of Sky.


So the only reason that he may be stopped is because of opposition from the portion not under his control, which was only made possible because of the balatant cirminal activities of some of his employees. Interestingly, when it was found out that Vince Cable opposed Murdoch's Sky bid, he received as much media attention and vilification than the phone hackers in Murdoch's employ have.


All this points top one thing. Murdoch and his empire weald way too much power for a non elected body, yet he is clearly intent on acquiring more, if allowed to.


Vince Cable was right. It was just stupidity on his part that he got stung, but his assessment of the situation was absolutely correct.

I know there are critics on here of the bbc, and I wouldn't stick my neck out about their impartiality, but at least while we have them, there is another view coming from the media than just Murdochs

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How does the position stand regarding all these out of court settlements the News of the Screws has reached with various people they've eavesdropped on?


Surely just because two parties come to a financial arrangement it doesn't mean the crime should not be fully investigated by the law.

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You are conspiring to appear ill informed and opinionated concerning this issue? Well Done! I think you've pulled it off.


It's all part of it. Murdoch told me to plead ignorance whilst on here. Oops, I shouldn't have put that, he'll be angry now and kill my cat.

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It's all part of it. Murdoch told me to plead ignorance whilst on here. Oops, I shouldn't have put that, he'll be angry now and kill my cat.


Yeah, how wacky would you have to be to think there was something conspiritorial about the employees of a newspaper magnate with close links to the government tapping oppositon MPs phones?

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