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Why do majority of kids from prosperous areas do better in school?

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My parents both worked hard.We were raised in a good area there are 5 of us.We were raised in a 6 bedroom house however we went to the local secondary school (Newfield).The teachers were mostly great the problem pupils were big trouble causers they were mainly from Heeley etc the teachers did their best. I did my Gcse's kept my head down worked hard and became a success.My parents encouraged me constantly I even had a private tutor as did my siblings Who was a huge help. I graduated with a first from Sheffield uni. My sibling is doing his teaching degree whilst two are doing medical degree's and the youngest is currently in Year 9.


My point is with parental encouragment there is nothing that cannot be achieved.

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My parents both worked hard.We were raised in a good area there are 5 of us.We were raised in a 6 bedroom house however we went to the local secondary school (Newfield).The teachers were mostly great the problem pupils were big trouble causers they were mainly from Heeley etc the teachers did their best. I did my Gcse's kept my head down worked hard and became a success.My parents encouraged me constantly I even had a private tutor as did my siblings Who was a huge help. I graduated with a first from Sheffield uni. My sibling is doing his teaching degree whilst two are doing medical degree's and the youngest is currently in Year 9.


My point is without parental encouragment there is nothing that cannot be achieved.


Unfortunately you....err....and a few others are the exception to the rule.;)

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Generally speaking, people in "prosperous areas" got there thanks to their positive and energetic outlook on life, and they instill this in their kids who often follow suit.


Generally speaking, people who live on sink estates got there by being negative and not getting out of their comfort zone, and they instill this in their kids who nearly always follow suit.

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Ok, let's talk about my daughter.

She grew up on a council estate with me her mother a single parent family.

I grew up on the same estate, one which now is currently being demolished.

I did the best i could until she was old enough for me to return to work, she went to a large secondry school, then went on to study to get into uni she is now in her last year and she works part time to avoid any debt.

Yes she knew kids that were disruptive at school and some that never went.

She made her own choices and i brought her up with the best morals and to have respect.

I also work fulltime as a manager and we have a comfortable life.

So the point is life is what you make it, not where you live or waiting for someone to hand it to you.


Doesn't this just illustrate that the attitude of the parent is what's important.

It does nothing though to prove or disprove the (my) assertion that lower income parents are often less interested in or capable of encouraging their children to learn. A single example or even a couple of examples can never prove or disprove this, the fact is though that children from lower socioeconomic groups do achieve lower results throughout the education system.

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If people won't let you do anything, that's not your fault is it?


I doubt that anyone sets out to hinder others. Sure, environment matters, but it's the combination of both environment and your self that determines how things unfold, and environment for a child has a large contribution from the parents.

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