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Why do majority of kids from prosperous areas do better in school?

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- less overcrowding in the home, so more space for homework

Space for homework? :roll: As "reasons" go that is lamer than a no-legged dog.


- better off parents, who can pay for books, computers, private tutors, etc

There are places called libraries where books can be had for free, Many schools have one. Most chavvy households have a computer although its value as a learning aid is suspect. As for private tutors, their use is hardly widespread.


Also a privileged background is no guarantee of success, just look at the dismal academic record of the last couple of generations of the royal family.


- a home life that's more settled

What has that fo do with socio-economic status? Are you saying poorer people are inherently more feckless?


- a school where the kids aren't all mucking about

Kids learn discipline in the home. It costs nothing in monetary terms to teach kids to behave.


Has anyone considered natural selection as a contributory cause? Intelligent people tend to marry other intelligent people and produce intelligent kids. Chavscum simply produce more chavscum. With each successive generation the gap gets that little bit wider.

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My own take is that monetary factors (the ability to pay for tutors / support with other related activities ie studying Shakespeare so going to Stratford and visiting the Globe) do play a part in the more affluent areas but what plays a bigger significant part is that the lifes of children from less wealthy are often so much more of a struggle that school is just not the priority.

If you live in a home where you have to prepare your own meal

If you live in a home where the average bed time is 3.00 am

If you live in a hime where you expected to "sort yourself out"

If you live in a home where there are not enough beds to go round

If you live in a home where there is constant distraction from TVs, loud music,

If you live in a home where conversation is limited to "get up you lazy ...."

If you live in a home where domestic violence is an issue

If you live in a home where there are everychanging "friends" of mum/dad appearing in and out of your life



then I guess school must just be so far down on the list of things that bother or worry you.


which is why helibishs daughter could succeed - because I suspect her home was not like that.





Or perhaps if you live in a home where education wasn't high on the agenda when the parents themselves went to school.

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Has anyone considered natural selection as a contributory cause? Intelligent people tend to marry other intelligent people and produce intelligent kids. Chavscum simply produce more chavscum. With each successive generation the gap gets that little bit wider.


Although you may have a point to a degree I'm sure an intelligent person would have described with a little more eloquence.:hihi:

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As has already been mentioned, private tuition is a huge factor. I heard somewhere that as up to 80% of kids at Silverdale have private tuition. Kids from affluent backgrounds are far more likely to have aspirational and/or inspirational parents and be motivated/feel under pressure to succeed.


Schools in prosperous areas will have a far higher critical mass of motivated and academic kids from well educated backgrounds.

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Has anyone considered natural selection as a contributory cause? Intelligent people tend to marry other intelligent people and produce intelligent kids. Chavscum simply produce more chavscum. With each successive generation the gap gets that little bit wider.


It is indeed a factor. Villages had their idiots caused by continual interbreeding of the same blood lines. Genetic defects tend to occur in cultures where marrying one's cousin is considered the norm.

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Or perhaps if you live in a home where education wasn't high on the agenda when the parents themselves went to school.
In this context, absenteism has long been recognised as a major contributor to school/academic failure. Unsurprisingly.


As of today (24 Jan 2011), a new Law comes into effect in France, according to which benefits payable for each kid of a family will be automatically suspended if the kid is a repeat absentee at school (basically, absent 4 half-days in one month = 1 warning/strike, next half-day = no Giro).

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It is indeed a factor. Villages had their idiots caused by continual interbreeding of the same blood lines. Genetic defects tend to occur in cultures where marrying one's cousin is considered the norm.


Having well educated parents is also a huge factor in terms of the help that kids will get at home in areas where they need that little bit of extra support and one to one attention. Both my husband and I are able to help, elaborate and contextualise on a number of subjects and topics. Thankfully, we complement one another as he's the mathematician and scientist and I'm the literary linguist. This also applies to general knowledge, current affairs etc etc and gives children and huge advantage.

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Has anyone considered natural selection as a contributory cause? Intelligent people tend to marry other intelligent people and produce intelligent kids. Chavscum simply produce more chavscum. With each successive generation the gap gets that little bit wider.


Equally however there are plenty of examples in our education system of poor clever kids, being outdone by rich dumber kids.


In terms of getting into Oxbridge, a child who goes to a private school is 7 times more likely to be accepted into Oxbridge than a equally clever child who goes to a state school.

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Equally however there are plenty of examples in our education system of poor clever kids, being outdone by rich dumber kids.


In terms of getting into Oxbridge, a child who goes to a private school is 7 times more likely to be accepted into Oxbridge than a equally clever child who goes to a state school.


Then that is the universities problem, that they lose out on a gifted child. But it will be another universities gain such as edinburgh.

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